Guys, this is my friends dog... **Not for faint hearted people**

I’m not asking you to donate, just spread the word, and if you want to, you can donate…


explain before i click plz.

unfamiliar with spider bites. Did they have to remove a lot of dead skin from the bite? looks like it hurts, sorry little buddy

damnn…i’ll deff see what i can do

jesus fucking christ!


Geez poor little guy.

ewwww so sad

holy shit, i did not know a bite from a brown recluse spider could do that. Poor puppy :frowning:

Reminder : it does that to people also

It kills all your skin cells…

brown recluse=no fucking joke. they will fuck up humans.

if this happened to the puppy in the house i hope your friend called an exterminator to make sure there are no other spiders in the house or your friend (or you) might be making a similar page for youself.

they can do that to people too…nasty, my mom got bit by one on her arm, it wasnt that bad but the skin decayed around the bite and her entire arm was severely bruised.

:Edit: Zwarbyt, that was when we lived on Grandview…so watch out when your diggin around at your folks house…MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Other things you should know about brown recluses:
Most households with brown recluses never experience a bite
90% of all brown recluse bites heal without severe scarring.
Many brown recluse bites cause just a little red mark that heals without event.
Despite all the hoopla surrounding the brown recluse, there is still not one PROVEN death due to brown recluse bite. (No, wait, don’t write me about someone who died and ‘the doctor said’ it from brown recluse! This information originates from two separate publications in medical journals written by two recluse venom experts who are medical doctors, who have been studying the medical implications of recluse bites for decades in Missouri and Tennessee where brown recluses occur frequently, and who know much more about the effects of recluse venom than your local doctor. If you want to argue this point with somebody, go argue with them, not me. And unless you have a confirmed spider identification associated with your “alleged” bite (i.e., removed from the skin of the victim after the bite), you don’t have a PROVEN envenomation.)

that damage is pretty impressive.

I thought i saw somewhere that this whole brown recluse thing is just a myth :gotme:

The thing is, that they don’t constantly go around and like, bite people and inject the poison.

but when they do… well… it’s not good.

post whatever you want man…They live in your parents neighborhood…and they have one goal in life…to kill you. The brown recluse is proven to love the flesh of middle class white boys…take comfort in your “scientific fact”…your next on their list.


holy shit that is awful

i donated, i love dogs :frowning:

not that it is really going to help that much

edit: fuck, i mean if this is howies friend, hes posting pictures of his dog up… i’m sure hes not fucking making it up.

even if the diagnosis is wrong and its not a brown recluse bite or whatever the fuck, it doesnt change the fact that the dogs entire ass end is jacked up… dogs don’t have health insurance. (i dont think? lol)

Yes Chino, You can get pet health insurance pretty cheap. My mother has it on her cats / kittens.