that sucks big time
but now im ready for the flaming.
this dog for example…my aunts cat, and numerous other animals of people i know…is it worth all the heartbreak…aggravation, and money spent to save a pets life?
Now i have a dog, whom we have had for 7 years. If something like this happened, im sorry, but i could not justify spending upwards of $7000 to get my $300 dog treated…who’s life is already half over. My aunt was spending hundreds maybe even thousands a month, to treat her cat for dialysis.
It just doesn’t make sense to me. But thats just me. And yes…i know the pet becomes part of the family…
to me i think the animal would rather be euthanized, than have to go through months even years of recovery…and still not be the same.
i do wish these people the best of luck, and im going to the casino soon…i throw a few hands down in their favor, and donate if i win anything.
dude… its not about the fucking investment or how much money the dog is worth, its a part of your family, thats like saying, well fuck it, my kid is only worth like $15,000, from what i spent taking care of it, but i’m not going to pay for surgery to save its life, its only worth 15K :bloated:
i clearly stated…i know the animal is part of the family. I love my dog very much, and would do a lot for him…heck a few thousand dollars wouldnt be bad…but when people like my aunt who spend a thousand +/ a month for 2 years to keep a fucking cat alive…its pretty damn useless, and unescessary.
but if my dog came down with cancer…and i needed to shell out 1000 a month for god knows how long…i would not. I feel its unfair to everyone in the situation…including the animal. Then ontop of it…the dog might not even live.
a kid and a dog are two totally different things…how can you even compare them??? :bloated:
like i said…i feel bad for the dog, and the people who own the dog…god bless them, but if it was me…i would not be able to do it financially…or the stress that it comes with.
hmmm i wonder if that is what I got bit by some years back. It was after I slept in a cabin, i was wearing pants the whole time and the next day I knelt down and was like WTF owww. My whole knee was red with a huge bump. Kinda just left it because I figured I just got bit by a spider. Later on I had a huge hole in my knee, probably like an eigth inch deep and the size of a dime. Kinda got a little worried and started using drawing salve and antobiotic salve. It finially went away but I have a nice scar on my knee from it now.
did you get yourself checked??
---------Poor dog…my gosh…i don’t really know what to do if thats really my dog… -_-
u kind of just contradicted yourself when u say that you “love” your dog and put a money value on the dog. sounds to me more along the lines of that you like your dog but not love. jsut a thought when u say you love something haha.
let the flamming start on me now. how is a kid and a dog much different if you love both and both are a part of your family? i dont see it as any different. both have characteristics, personality, etc.
best of luck to that poor little guy. and im going to try and use alittle less gas this week to make a donation
Love for a kid and a dog is a lot different…especially if you live in the deep south…
thats really sad-- i had no idea that you could get health insurance for your pet?! or were you just kidding? My dog is blind in one eye so it kinda looks like this
that dog can talk, like brian from family guy
yeah. i think the dog should have gotten the axe. you totally could get a sweet dog for 6500 bucks.
I remember a few years back watching a segment on animal planet about this lady that had llamas as house pets.
This is why I stomp on any and all spiders i see!
Are these Brown recluse mutha’s in our area???what is there normal climate?
poor dog… my dad got bit by one of those spiders. he got all sorts of fucked up. rushed him to the e-room. they ended up giving him all sorts of meds and even steroids to help with recovery. thank god it didnt fuck him up like that poor dog got.
poor dog that looks terrible…hopefully it heals up
poor dog, I never had the attachment to a dog, cause I’ve never had one. but I think I am starting to see how poeple get so attached
i agree with beck on this one. i’m a huge dog lover, but i couldn’t justify that. not so much because of the money, but because that dog looks like it’s really unhappy and suffering a great deal in those after shots. dogs become part of the family, but you know what, they can be replaced. in a situation like this it’s almost unfair to the dog, to make it suffer that much just because you don’t have the heart to let it go. think of how much pain this poor animal is going through just because you want to keep it around a little longer.
aww poor lil guy…
spiders suck.