So, I got bit by a spider. WARNING< GRAPHIC PICS INSIDE

damn, we have spiders that can do this in NY? crap! i hope thath eals fast, man.

every picture i’ve seen of brown recluse bites are way worse off that that one…that is until the surgeon cut you up. Then it looked nasty.

if you look at the timelines with those bites… it spans over days not just a few hours, if the surgeon didnet cut the infected tissue out and even now if theres still some in there… the necrosis could get wayy worse

i just looked at google images under “brown recluse spider” shudders YARG, i didnt know those were around these parts.

I am petrified of spiders,you couldnt pay me any amount of money to even touch one. Now…omfg am I afraid of them, thats messed up, I hope u get better instead of worse, and its a good thing you had it cut out or it could have been way worse:ahh Keep us updated!

They aren’t supose to be, but there are recorded instances of people being bit by them in this area. I don’t know what bit me. Thats just the spider all the Doctors keep mentioning

I will. Seems to be getting a little better. Back to the surgeon tomorrow. All test results will be back by then

I give u alot of credit though if that happened to me I prolly would have had a heartattack and been in the hospital for both lol

Prob not a brown recluse. It is rare to find them around here. I was bitten a couple years ago in my garage while working on my car, and went though similar procedures. Doctor’s always say brown recluse, regardless of location lol. might be able to help you identify. Link contains graphic pics also.

From my experience it will get worse before it gets better ( mine did :frowning: ) but best of luck !


I’m telling you this, please listen.

See an infectious disease doctor. The Albany area only has a few.

Nurses and doctors mis this diagnosis all the time, especially in the capital region. They hate to admit it though. It may be too late now to test properly.

web snippet: MRSA and Staph infections can be easily mistaken for a brown recluse spider bite which can have a very similar appearance on your skin. Unless you saw a spider bite you, chances are good it’s community-associated mrsa (CA-MRSA) instead.

According to Tom Frank, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S., an assistant professor of family and community medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, if you think it’s a spider bite, get a culture test because what you are seeing is probably community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA).

According to Frank, of all the patients who believe they have a spider bite, “77 percent of patients presenting with soft-tissue infections are showing up with MRSA on culture.”

If you believe you have a spider bite, consider visiting with your doctor or an infectious disease specialist (an I.D. doctor) to get a bacterial culture test to confirm what is causing your condition.

Like everyone is saying Brown Recluse spiders aren’t found around here, but that does look like a Recluse bite, one on the guys in my platoon in boot camp was bit by one an it looked very similar to that.

Wish I had pics from when I was stung by a scorpion in Iraq, that was pretty nasty looking.

Everyone can keep saying brown recluse all they want, if it were me I think I would get checked out, screw taking chances.

I watched a Dr. G episode once… a guy died of Mrsa. He thought it was a spider bite. I’d def. listen to Jammer. I forgot allllll about that until he brought it up.

Jay, you speak as though you’ve experienced this fancy MRSA? Saaaay…twice? :shifty

You should also mention that MRSA is one of those serious infections. The ones that people die from.

All test results will be in tomorrow. The ER doctors said it could be MRSA but said my blood counts were good. The surgeon who did the culture said I was def bit by something. Also, I may mention that it only got worse when it was treated as MRSA. I took the same cocktail of Bactrum and clindamycin as well as keflex. I am in good hands. I have been on top of it since day one, so I am not just waiting around to see what happens, ya know. I will let you guys know what it is for sure when I get home from 10am appointment tommorrow

Just watching out for ya bro. Trust me, that was a staph infection that abcessed, probably hard to the touch, and solid, not liquid filled thus draining was left to a wick, rather than a lance. Guessing the pain is mostly gone and the core bump may take weeks to fade.

I am all worldly. Not always, but often, correct.


you cannot tell what your system is having to cope with by sight alone. you need to go to the ER and get the proper tests done, to make sure WHATEVER bit you’s toxin isn’t still working it’s way through your CNS.

lol. sorry. I did not see page 2 on my browser.

Yea man I agree with Jammer. I’m by no means a doctor but I have seen Staph before and from the looks and the pain you explained you were experiencing I woud definitely get another opinnion before you go any further with treatments.

Well, back from the dr’s. Test result from the culture came back negative for bacteria and infection. So that rules out staph and MRSA. ER’s blood results were not in yet. They did the testing for several different kinds of venom. I am sure they will call me if it comes back positive. Good news is I can return to work tomorrow. Bad news is, I have a hole in my leg that will take time to heal. The good news regarding the hole is that it will slowly heal on its own and I don’t have to worry about any other procedures for now. Thanks shift community for your concern. I will keep you guys updated.

Jammer, most of what you said was dead on. We had initially thought staph or MRSA. So my initial treatments were for MRSA and staph. It wasn’t untill my last ER visit that they decided they thought it was a spider and they took me off the meds and switched them to fight an insect bite. Real good info you have though. Are you in, or studying the medical field?

what im saying is, this doesnt look like a brown recluse bite…