So I thought I pulled a muscle in my leg...

hope you get better soon man. that was dangerous that they let you home for the first time with a blood clot in your leg that could have disloged and traveled to your pulmonary artery. Some doctors are just so caught up with getting people in and out and not costing the insurance companies money that it compromises the quality of car thats given. get well soon.

Wow dude, take care, rest up and get well soon!

Get well soon!

get well man, i went to the jefferson hospital one time to get an xray on my foot they told me it wasnt broken went back after 2 weeks of insane pain and its broke, dumbasses

won’t have that problem anymore :wink:

Thanks everyone for the good words. My leg feels a good bit better but still hurts at the back of my knee where the bulk of the clot is. They obviously didn’t release me today. They’re hoping for Sunday now. With all of the blood work they did they figured out why both of mine occurred. It’s a genetic disorder called Type 5 Leiden Mutation. My mom and my sister both have to get checked for it since its linked to the maternal side of my family. This just means i’ll be on cumadin forever for sure. Missing so many days of work is really going to hurt too since I spent so much of my extra money at christmas. Someone recommended seeking counsil about their prior mis-diagnosis. I don’t think I am going to bother. That’s just being sue happy.

But hopefully i’ll be out of here and able to hobble back to work on Monday. I’m real tired of this damn hospital bed too. I can’t wait to just get the hell home too. My girl has something special waiting for me :slight_smile:

hope ur better soon

glad to here your starting to feel better… let me know when u get out

John, if you see this, let me know what hospital your at bro. I’d like to stop up and see ya, if you hate hospitals as much as I do I’m sure you might like some company for a half hour or so.

good to hear you ar egetting better

Today the doctor gave me good news. I get to go home after 6. They want the heparin to work a bit longer but my blood levels are great. My swelling is basically gone. My leg is just a little sore from the constant inflamation. Now I just have to keep waiting. Maybe i’ll take a nap till later…

SWEEET…glad to hear they are letting u go home ! !


My pap had the same condition, it sucks. Get well soon mang.

Welp i’m back in the hospital. I got out saturday and by monday my leg was hurting me again. This time it was a bit higher up. I was thinking optimistically that my leg was just sore but by this morning there was no doubt something was wrong. I came to the ER and they found that my clot had moved up into my thigh. So they are treating me again and discussing the option of putting a filter in my vein to keep it contained. I hope it doesn’t come down to that but if it prevents me from having a heart attack at 25 I think we’ll go that route. Now I just play the waiting game again until i’m fixed up or sliced…

DAMN john thats terrible, i hope all goes well with everything to come but please keep us informed man

Sorry to hear that and I hope you get everything taken care of. What hospital are you in?