So i just got out of the hospital...

Had to get my appendix removed thursday night around 8pm. I’ve never felt a pain worse in my life. Just got released from westmoreland hospital tonight about an hour ago :frowning: no drinking for me this weekend.

EDIT: hospital food sucks ass

EDIT2: Yes, I sold the 240 back to cheeks. But no we didnt get to transfer titles yet due to my hospital stint. Hopefully saturday morning. I need to grow up and concentrate on finishing up my business degree. On a side note, got 25 out of 25 on my first exam this semester :bigok:

glad ur ok:love:

u sold ur car cause the girlies says it rides ruff!:smiley:

glad ur ok. good job on that exam!!

Glad to hear you’re ok.

you are the 3rd person in the last month ive known that had to have an appendectomy, all removed at westmoreland regional. Glad to hear you’re feeling better!!!

ok big ben… seriously how bad does it hurt? i’ve always wondered if i would know that it was enough pain to goto the hospital? :dunno:

glad you are ok

The pain is unreal. It feels like a knife in the stomach. It will start out as a fever and nausea, and then your stomach will start to hurt. Then all the sudden, all of the pain will transfer to the right side of your stomach right where your appendix is.

You’ll know it if you get it!

Damn. I have yet to experience that. A strangulated umbilical hernia is as close as I got.

Glad to hear everything’s cool. How much do you think they got for your used appendix on the black market?

I dunno… i wanted to take it home. They wouldnt let me, which i think is bullshit. I should at least get a discount if they get to keep my appendix.

next time say your a jehovas witness and i think you should be able to keep it

glad to hear youre ok man


next time? since when do we have 2? lol

Steroids ftl

thats why he sold his appendix too!

Thats part of the reason… the other part is, I think im just getting old.

When I had appendicitis I didn’t have the same symptoms. No nausea and the pain wasn’t that bad, just constant (maybe I’m not wimpy though :smiley: ). j/k I think I just caught it early enough.

Glad you got it before it burst.

no, i think Cheeks swallows!

Good to hear ur not dead! LOL…u’ll be back up in a week or so kolar!