Appendicitis/Appendix Removal?

Well, my GF is at her docs right now getting checked out… they think she may have appendicitis… her whole family has had them removed except her and her younger brother.

Anyone been thru this before? I have no clue what to expect that she’s going to have to go thru.

I had mine burst a while back. I was hospitalized a couple weeks, lost a bunch of weight and just generally felt like shit for a couple months. As long as it hasn’t burst though, it is a much easier thing to go through. Just a small inch or 2 cut on the stomach and a couple days in the hospital. After that just a couple weeks of not exerting yourself too much and she will be good to go.

^^ What he said. Buddy of mine just had his taken out a couple weeks ago. 2 days in the hospital and he was out. And he’ll be running with me in the Komen Race for the Cure this Saturday.