So I thought I pulled a muscle in my leg...

jeez dude thats crazy, i hope they get you fixed

Unbelievable. I hope all goes well.

Wow so sorry to hear! I hope they figure something out quick!

Sorry for the lack of updates and correspondance for a few days. I was in rough shape for a couple days from the medicine they were giving me. But the short version is that I am home now and feel the best I have in a month. My only ache is the slice in the back of my kneecap.

But here is the full version from where I left off in my last post.

I was in the Beaver Valley Medical center for essentially the 3rd time for the same thing. I wasn’t showing any signs of getting better by the 3rd day there. My PCP was giving me tons of bad advice (mainly telling me I should walk around and be as active as possible) so I was getting frustrated. The last morning I was there he woke me up out of a dead sleep with an RN along side. She starts sticking me with the needle and he started asking me questions. Well he was asking me questions while I was still asleep and I finally woke up once the nurse started poking me. I must of mumbled some sort of reply to the Dr. and his response was “no more pain meds for you!” I was still kind of asleep at that point so it didn’t sink in, but while the nurse was still poking me he starts prodding my thigh and groin where the clot was. It made me jerk a bit, screwing up what the RN was doing and I told him it hurt and to stop it. He kept going and I pushed his hands away and said that it fucking hurt and to stop it. He prodded a few more times real quick lower then said “we’ll have you discharged a little bit later, after we see your doppler results” Then I was like “WTF?! I can’t even walk, the pain is as unbearable as when I came in 3 days ago, and you want to discharge me!!!” uh-uhhh I later came to find out he never even consulted a hemotologist and was giving me 100% incorrect info on what needed to be done. I requested to see a real hemotologist and got another doppler done on my leg. As suspected, the clot was still there with no change and the hemotologist gave me some good meds and said the only thing they can do at that hospital is what they were doing… so I got a case worker involved and ended up transferring to UPMC Presby. They had multiple choices for me!! To determine what they were going to do they had to stick a catheter in my leg up to my groin where the clot had traveled. Then they would either essentially ‘Roto-Router’ (that was the medical term) it out, use a powerful clot-busting chemical through the catheter, or cut the fucker out. Luckily they chose the chemical route using a chemical called TPA. Using the previous catheter they fed that in my leg directly to the clot for 3 days. During those 3 days I was in so much pain. There are like 2 dozen ‘common’ side effects - most which involved having really thing blood - but the only ‘rare’ side effect of severe abdomen pain is what I got. I felt so bloated the entire time. It was like I had to fart, shit, piss, and puke all at once for 3 days. They put me on a PCA (patient controlled analgesic) machine and no matter how many times I hit the button the pain never went away. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t move cuz of the leg catheter, I couldn’t do anything but be miserable. A little tid-bit of info the nurse told me about that medicine - its $30,000 a bag!!! They had a whole seperate process to get it from storage because if they accidentally use it thats a $30k loss and that medicine will thin blood so that it comes out of your pores. Didn’t sound too pretty. But once they got me off that medicine my clot was gone, my sickness went away in like 6 hours, and everything feels great now! The only downside is that I feel so weak from being bed ridden for so long and the slice in my knee is basically the most inconvienent place for a cut. I still need to get 2 shots a day of other blood medicine. But my sister is going to do that for me. I don’t do well with needles. My veins look like a heroin addicts and I haven’t shaved so long I look like a hobo. But I’m alive and I’m home…

HOLY SHIT john…glad its all ok now ! hit me up some time dude

john, glad it worked out and glad that you made it here to UPMC…

hit me up when you feel up and mobile enough to hang out…

I know a couple of the nurses in Presby. Were you in ICU, a regular room, or what?

Whatever though, just thankfully you are okay and on the road to recovery.

I think i was just in a regular room. I was in section 9G. The only nurse I really remember her name was Jillian. She seemed a bit older than us though.

With all that shit you went through I’d do something about it. They did that shit to my sister when she was young i’m pretty sure, broke her collar bone and they told my parents it wasn’t broke or some garbage. Glad you got out ok and everything is working out, even though idk who you are!

haha… i forgot about that!

i agree, with that screw up i wouldnt let that slide

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Good job sticking up for yourself, too.

Wow man, sorry you have been through so much!!! :frowning: But glad you finally got that taken care of, and finally got some people that knew what they were doing and how to help you. I would def. look into doing something about the first PCP b/c that shit aint right!

Bad news for me. I’m back in the hospital AGAIN. Everything seemed fine this whole week i’ve been home. I even started back to work yesterday. But today when I got home I noticed my leg had swollen up a hell of a lot. The doctor told me if that happened to go right back to the ER so that’s what I did. Turns out I have another signifigant clot in my leg. So I’m back to square one. Tomorrow they are putting another catheter in to manually dissolve it. They are also heavily leaning towards implanting a filter in the main artery in my chest in case one of these lil fuckers ever breaks free. Its like a little wire mesh umbrella that will stay there forever. At least I got a good lesson on how they use the sonogram to look at my veins and arteries. But it kinda sucks to actually see the clot on the screen. Now its time for bed tho. Hopefully tomorrow brings better news.

Damn bro! I hope they quit fucking around and get you fixed up right!


thats sucks Jon, tell the fockers to handle this ! !:smiley:


Sorry to hear that. Hope you get everything taken care of. Are you back at Presby? I work at UPMC Shadyside. Sonny, where do you work?

wtf. tell them you wanted fixed 3 times ago!