Hospitals suck

I don’t disagree, doctors do need to exercise caution and use impeccable bedside manner. It is exponetially more difficult on thier part when a patient is assuming/uninformed…that’s all I’m saying.

damn…what an ass…way to not be understanding…I would have done the same thing.

seriously, the doctors didnt help me at all in the hospital during my visit.
It was the support from all the nurses and staff that got me thru the stay.

my friend is doing much better, he is not worried about the problems and has his mind straight that he WILL get better. so thats good that he is looking positive

Bam. Want to add to that “and the internet”. Patients walk in with all this Wikipedia knowledge and think they know what they have based on the webz. Not. They can’t understand that every patient is different in diagnosis and treatment. A lot of medicine still is so undiscovered but the web makes people think they can self-diagnose.

Just as much so. Totally agree.

The only thing about bedside manner that worries me, and I’m seeing this a lot, is that some of the surgeons I’d trust most with my life are real asshats. And some of the nicest guys in the world are terrible surgeons but get a way with it because the patient “likes” them.
Tough to find the happy medium.
My only true personal concern other than the best surgeon (even if he/she is a dick) is to speak Engrish well enough for me to understand what the hell is wrong with me in they’re viewpoint.

Don’t believe the interwebz.

Avoid the Medical Center in Beaver also if you have a choice. They’ve mis-diagnosed me numerous times. One Dr. in particular tried to tell me to get up and literally ‘walk it off’ when I had a blood clot in my leg that was traveling upwards into bigger veins. He totally cut off my pain meds too. At that point I knew it was time to get to a real hospital with better doctors.

I was in the Med Center for about 4 days at that point and had been progressively getting worse. 2 days in Presby and I was 100% better than when I got there.

Even more recently I went to the Med Center for back problems. I have a history of kidney stones, blood clots, and arthritis - which I told each Dr and nurse aid I could - and they still would not send me to get any tests. I had to practically beg for a simple X-Ray. They sent me home with extra strength aspirin and told me to take it easy. They diagnosed me with a pulled muscle.

Went to AGH later in the week for the same thing - turns out I have a deformed vertibrae, a pinched nerve, and the beginnings of a slipped disc. All easily seen with a couple simple tests…

So be choosy as to where you go for medical care. Also, if you don’t like what you hear just simply go to another place and get a 2nd opinion. I drive almost an hour to get to any decent hospital now.

well my buddy just called and said now their going to take him to get a CT finally.
(which they never did in the first place, they just wheeled him back to the OR, cut him open and said “oh well this looks fucked up, while we’re in here lets take his apendix too”)

he told me they cant figure out what is wrong with him and the white blood cells so their doing the CT and decide on that… these doctors sound like retards… why didnt they get the CT sooner… he’s been in there since last sunday! there are like 3 doctors in the group that take care of him and everyone of them have different opinions and pretty much keep my buddy in the dark… he doesnt know wtf they plan on doing or anything…

over top of that, some of the nurses are pigs! leaving wrappers and tape laying all over the floor and shit, we seen this last night. And heres one thing that caught my attention, one of those nurses left an IV needle still in the package laying on the window sill where anyone can get to… Isnt that against some code or something?

They found the infection on another CT scan today and drained the infection.
his white blood cell count is back to normal and they say he should be home tomorrow. woot!

wow if my pain was 8-9 fuck a copay or whatever… i’m goin to the fuckin ER ASAP