Mom went for surgery today..........

Well she was discharged as of this morning and i picked her up at 7AM. She is cool as of right now but just has to keep an eye out for things for a week or two.

If she went through all of that… she will get through this… Good luck

Ya…i htink she will be alright…she is a soldier and just needs alot of rest right now. I’m not sweatin it that much anymore

Let us know if you need anything… give her a hug from the Pittspeeder’s

Awe…Devin i just read this, I’m sorry to hear about the misfortune she’s had…I know that can be hard. Well, your mom is definitely a wild one for her age…SHE’LL BE BACK TO NORMAL within no time!!:bigok: Tell her I hope she feels better soon!!