Sinus Surgery...

Scheduled my surgery to remove my adenoids, nasal polyps, bone spur and deviated septum…

Anyone else familar with these procedures? I know the adenoid surgery is pretty straight forward but how about nasal polyps and bone spur?

I’m not nervous at all, more so excited to be able to smell and breathe again. According to the Dr, I have lost most of my sense of smell and basically have no ability to breathe through my left nostril. This wasn’t caused by an injury but happened over time due to irregular growth of the inner nose.

Ironically enough, my surgery is scheduled for Friday the 13th :wink: hahaha.

port and polish son, just like your car, reflash the ECU to take advantage of the extra oxygen to your brain. brother in law had it, and a friend just had it done, night and day. it sucks to have done, but it’s so much better after it’s done.

so you’re getting a nose job?


i had my adenoids out when i was a little boy, it sucked, but my mom bought me a playstation so it wasnt that bad

good luck

Honestly I’m looking at the surgery that exact same way lol, going in for some sick mods brahh!

They said my nose isn’t going to look much different, if at all it may be a bit more straight.

I’m just freaking excited to smell. I feel like I’m going to be flipping a shit over the littlest scents, either that or I’m going to be completely disgusted lol.

How much does it cost.

I had a deviated septum “fixed” about 12 years ago. It sucked hard for the first few days, but the pain meds were nice and made things …better! After a few days I was pretty much back to normal. If someone were to tape my mouth shut with duct tape, I’d still probably suffocate, but I might last longer than before the surgery… it did help somewhat.

so now you’ll be able to realize all of those farts do actually smell, and that’s the reason people don’t sit near you!

Costs free? I have insurance and it fully covers the surgery.

Apparently post-op you’re supposed to be fine within 7-12 days.

Doctor? Are you with the BMG?

I have been diagnosed with a deviated septum and coupled with lifelong allergies i’m usually a fucking mess. I currently just started a new job and will be following up with this now that I have great coverage.

In for results man, and good luck!

Go to Amherst ENT, Dr. Chmiel (pronounced schmeel) is absolutely amazing. I’ve never experienced better care at a specialist before.



i had a septoplasty and a turbinoscopy i think its called. from the horror stores people told me it was not bad. no broken nose. no black eyes. it sucked breathing out the mouth while it was all blocked up with the dried blood. sleep in a room with a humidifier, i used nasal saline (simply saline is what i used. its in a pressurized can, and it comes out as a very fine mist, good stuff!) like hourly and all kinds of crap oozed out. i took like 6 showers a day, i had the cleanest balls on the planet. the hot shower and vapor was great. it fucked with my sleep hours so i would be up at 4am a lot. good drugs. the want to blow your nose hard is there, but resist! i had stints and not packing. people say the packing is the worst part…getting it pulled out. depending on your septo parts of your nose will be numb for a while, you will not feel snot pooling up at the base of your nose for a few weeks after stints/packing removed, so carry kleenix at all times. prior to surgery i could not sleep at night without those nose strips/nasal spray (bad stuff!), or using my neti-pot daily… now i have no issues going to sleep at night, and maybe use the netipot after working in the garage or atv’ing where dust and crap get up in it…

^Exactly what I’ve heard/have been told, thanks man :tup:

According to the Dr, I have roughly 20% of what my sense of smell is supposed to be, so I am SO looking forward to being able to smell again.

also, you might throw up after the procedure. i didnt luckily… do everything through your mouth, even sneezing
the tampax you wear under your nose is uncomfortable at first, but the drugs will make you not care :

That’s what I figured, I’m going to rent a few xbox games and invite the gf over for a few days until I’m feeling better.

Week after surgery, what was it like? I have tickets to a concert and would like to make it but I have no idea if I’ll be able to stand let alone function at a concert.

you should be fine after 2 weeks post op. id still say to not jump around, and if another concert goer even touches your nose, it will hurt like a mofo^infinity. so keep that in mind in crowded areas. 2 weeks you will just be finishing the antibiotics (usually 10 days) and they only gave me 5 days of pain killers… boooooo…

you will still have drainage, so take kleenex and wipe your nose often…

also, if you dont have one, a neti pot after you get the packing/splints removed is great for your nose… you will have a lot of blood clumps that will be in places blowing alone wont get out.

I had sinus surgery done 12 years ago,It was worth the tiny bit of pain.Strangest thing was the foam packing that was removed a few weeks later,it didnt hurt but it was really odd.You will pass some thick bloody drainage as well.

Dont be alarmed if you vomit after the surgery,some have a sensitivity to anesthetic (like me) and you have to factor in that you end up swallowing some blood from the surgery.