So I had my fifth surgery on my eye yesterday. This was an ‘evisceration’ in which they pretty much take out the iris (the brown, blue, green, etc color in your eye) and install a little ball to take up the space. In six weeks, I will be fitted for a big lense that’s painted to look like my other eye so I’ll return to normalcy a little bit.
The surgery itself went perfectly fine. Post-op was kinda fucked though. When they were waking me up from the anesthesia, I wasn’t breathing normal at all. My heart rate dropped below 30bpm for about 10-15min, and then rose up to 50bpm, then back down to 30bpm. It might’ve not been a problem, like I could’ve subconsciously lowered it myself because it hurt to breathe with the anesthesia in my lungs. I was also in a shit load of pain. More than the previous surgeries. They were loading me up w/ morphine and it was still doing nothing. Then they put in something stronger which helped a bit. They gave me a prescription for percocets and they’re not seeming to do that much besides make me loopy. But yea, that’s about it. If anyone’s up for playing COD:World at War for PS3 online, let me know lol.
damn dude… shit sucks. i’ll be down for some COD later tonight… oh and make sure you eat before you take them percocets, unless you wanna pass out hardcore and wait for the ambulance. sucks. percocet > me
Well im glad to see that the pain hasnt stopped you from killing the japanese/germans… my thing for ps3 is murrdog9000, friend me or something and wel do battle
chris, glad to hear your okay bro. shit sounded painful as hell, i can only imagine how much it sucked ass. get a hold of me dude, we gotta chill asap.