whos had it, how do you like it… was told it can end night driving for ya… think of getting it…

i got in about 5 years ago. i have glasses for seeing things between 5-10 feet away now. I also have halos and starburts around lights at night. they can be ignored for the most part, but sometimes they are more prominent.

that said my sister got it at the same time and she has had 0 problems and is happy with it.

its very dependant on your eyes to begin with. Make an appointment for a consultaion and see what they have to say.

Search is your friend

I had it done at ficte in 2001, no problems at all, screening process is very involved. I suggest going to the open house they have and talking directly to them. The process used now is totally different then what they used on me.

I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!

Im going to defend this one because so much has changed in regards to this procedure in the past 6 months, so now consider me your friend.

had it done over a year ago at atwal… my eyes were the worst possible. i had -10.75 in my right eye and -12.5 in my left. i now have 15/20. best 3k ive ever spent, i thought it was pretty cool during the surgery lol

I have the same night symptoms as you do, i am contemplating glasses for driving at night. Also I cant see 30-40 ft away…street signs at nite in a foreign to me area is really frustrating still after 6 years of having it done.

I am most disappointed that they told me I am 20/20 after the surgery but i have tried on some friends low perscription glasses and to no surprise I can see the way I would like to. I did not want to do the “redo” as you can end up worse so I took what I have and decided to live with it.

The best experience I have had with it is enjoying sports and swimming/water parks. I never was able to get contacts in so being able to see without glasses falling off or whatever has been a nice bonus. I will imagine as I get a bit older and the technology gets better ie. blade free I might get them done again as I have the feeling if I started to wear glasses for just driving it would turn into a full time thing.

I had mine at Fichte…with the blade 6 years ago.

I always wanted it until my eye doctor made a very convincing argument about how you’re in the bathroom every night anyways, is taking contacts out really that big of a deal that it justifies permanently modifying your body? Who’s to say that they won’t come out with something better, like a laser-removable film they put on your eye like a permanent contact instead of cutting your cornea? Maybe for someone like a soldier in combat where a lost contact can mean more than an inconvenience, but otherwise you’re in the bathroom every night and every morning anyways so why do something irreversible? Then I hear these stories about guys who had it done and now need glasses again anyways and can’t drive at night…

My doctor said pretty much the exact same thing to me, he pretty much said that 10 years down the road they will have a contact that gets glued to your eye anyway.

my mom had it done 10 years ago, still going strong, no issues whatsoever.

Get it!!!

worth every penny.

My dad had this done years ago when this was the “new” procedure. He loves it and sees better now than ever before. Only issue he has is that over time, you lose the ability to read in low light so he needs reading glasses time to time.

my mom had it done three years ago.

she still has to wear reading glasses to see up close. she still has burning and itchiness in her eyes. she needs prescription drops with her at all times.

she said she would not get it done again. her eyes don’t burn they are just uncomfortable at all times. in her opinion it was not worth it.

So do you still rely on leeches when you have a rash:D I understand your point but everyone is going to have different results. And me personally I had contacts for years and got tired of them, cant tell you how many times i came home drunk and passed out with them still in only to have to dig them out in the morning.

I want it done also, I have had contacts now for 16 years and so fucking sick of it. I would love to just fall asleep watching TV, or go swimming and be able to see. What are prices nowadays?

I’m waiting. Technology is progressing insanely fast and glasses aren’t a big bother to me. You just have to weigh your options…

depends, fitche usually is the highest as he is the most up to date with technology.

the worse your eyes are the more it costs. my eyes were very bad, so i had to pay $1500 per eye

Have you tried Silicone Hydrogel contacts? Totally different animal from traditional contacts. Some of them are FDA approved for 30 day wear.

Plus CIBA lost their patent in 2005 so they’re cheap too. Well, they didn’t exactly lose their patent but B&L can make them too so the competition has driven the prices down to the point that they’re about the same price.

I have pretty Nasty Astigmatism so it makes it wonderfully expensive to get it done.

I do want it though.

Had it done in Canada about 4 years ago. No issues. Best dollars I ever spent.