son of a bee sting

435.08 for a fucking pair of glasses?!?!?!!?

come the fuck on. i can get 4 wheels for a car… and i know there is a lot more material in that shit than in a pair of glasses.

there must be an eye wear union, or the mob is getting their cut.


do you have astigmatism?

haha Don’t feel bad i paid almost 600 for a pair of Willey X glasses with allt eh prescriptiosn lenses.

eye care insurance>

nope. its because i sit in front of this monitor all day, and the muscles in my eyes dont relax… so then when i leave work, i cant see shit for a few hours. apparently these are going to fix the issue.

i have to check if univera will reimburse me for part or all of it

holy fuck that happens? I’d better be careful.

too much intarweb (porn) will make you blind

I just got a new pair… 200 with my insurance… would have been 600 w/o.

i got mine for free with perscription and everything … thanks everyone.

Ill be getting some before I deploy… when that time comes. what do you reccomend.

as far as wileys go i love the basic cheap ones that are like 55 bucks for perscription on them they scratch WAYY to easy because of the polycarbonate… i suggest wearing contacts and the XL-1’s i think they are the best mix with no fogging and keeping dust and dirt out along with being a saftey glass…

the perscription ones all fog up because they can’t put the anti-fog coating on for some reason. You can use the anti-fog (soap) but that dosen’t keep them very clear …

i wore the XL-1’s exclusivley through my deplyment and even in training before hand at NTC in the Mojavie

gooooOOOOO lasik!

NO…lasik is the suck!

went lasik 6 years ago … now i’m back to glasses (as are 3 others i know)

lasik ftl

Alright, looks like I might be going the contacts/ XL-1 route then. Stupid eyes… its the only thing that is holding me back in any way.

how is that going to help me?


yeah. i really need new glasses…

I had mine done in Feb. of 02 and have never been satisfied…I am just too lazy and didnt have good vision coverage to get glasses, but I am definetly going to get a pair for driving specifically.

Lasik is the garbage

I think it’s all about who does your lasik…

the CEO of my company had his eyes done like 3 years ago… no problems…

many other people in this company have had them done a while ago… still no problems…

Rubbish…they just dont want to admit its the suck lol