Lasek eye surgery...who has had it

Got mine done this morning and am less uncomfortable than expected…but i have a feeling tomorrow may be worse:roflpicard:

atwal or fichte?


My wife had it done a few months ago, I am getting it in month or two as well. Seems like a good investment.

How much after all said and done? Pm if you would like to keep it private. Strongly thinking about it but i get prices all over the place.

Had it done 8 years ago. i now deal with starbursts at night and ‘reading’ glasses

i dont mind sharing at all, i had to have prk, i guess my cornea/pupil was shaped like half a baseball with dips and valleys in it there for they could not just remove the top layer of my eye, so instead they put a ring on your eye and put drops on the inside of the ring to soften and i think disolve the top layer, then they brush the rest of the top layer off then reshape the eye with a laser. all in all it took 15 minutes at most, no pain only slight pressure. i believe it was 1499 an eye. i was a bit more expensive becasue part of mine was more hands on, my insurance paid for 15 percent so by the time i was al said and done it was about 2200 or so. the only reason i had it don was for border patrol as my incorrected vision was far worse than the required 20/100. sorry for run ons and miss spellings im seeign as if i was looking under water squinting…it was funny to becasue the girl that aided in my surgery was only a year older than me and a fredonia grad

how old are you…hopefully i wont have these problems as i think the technology is a little better

cool man, hope your back on the bike in no time… weathers starting to break :tup:

Damn I really am considering doing this in the near future. I look like a complete idiot with glasses and my eyes are way too sensitive to wear contacts. Anyone have a bad experience with this?

I knew someone that got it done about 9 years ago IIRC and he said the technology is a ton different now/more safer and accurate. Back when I had the extra money I really wish I would have invested in lasik. :frowning:

My girlfriend and her sister have had it done. They say that they couldn’t have made a better investment.

I hear they last for about 10 years then need it done again most likely although I don’t know how true that is.

Edit: The first few days sucks ass too, ice bags on your eyes, you have to wear these ugly ass sunglasses all the time but well worth it.

had mine done at atwal 3 years ago, love it.

i was absolutely blind without contacts or glasses, i also had a astigmatism. i now have 20/20 in both eyes and its been great ever since…

My wife paid $3k to get it done, her eyes were really bad though, and she had astigmatism in both eyes. She went the the place on harlem. Took 10 mins to do.

bump for being able to drive today…not so much at night, but nun the less every day is getting better and i get to take my contacts out tomorrow night!

Did you get your eyes done? Why do you still have contacts if so? My wife didnt have to put anything on her eyes after.

i got it done on the 19th, i had a slightly different procedure done because of the curvature of my pupil/cornea, they had to dissolve/scrub off the top layer then laser away, the contacts are non prescription and cover the wound on my eye so when i blink it not irritated, generally they just create a flap and flip it back after lasering