Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this? I hate wearing glasses and contacts bug out too much and hurt my eyes… any info would be appreciated. thanks!
have a friend with a laser pen and steady hands do it for you and save $$$
It doesn’t last forever, but if you don’t want to be bothered with vision correcting equipment during the prime of your life or something like that then it’s a good idea. Fichte and Atwol are the only places I would consider getting it done at. As soon as cash allows I will be having it done.
So you have to go back once in a while or something to get it fixed up or something? how long does it last for? (im gonna assume its just at the rate your eyes start to suck again…)
I had it done at Fichte and was not totally satisfied…they claim I am 20/20 but I cant see shit at nite and can barely find a street sign until its too late. However if I dont have to focus on things it is like i can see clearly for miles. And one eye is better than the other so I dont know how that equates to 20/20. Anyway…I dont regret getting it done because it is way easier than glasses or contacts (which I could not get in my eyes)
i’ve had contacts for years. I was thinking about this also. But without glasses or contacts my eyes are HORRIBLE. anybody have any info on if my eye sight is horrible…will the surgery help it to the point where i won’t need contacts and glasses, or will it just make my eyes better where i will still need contacts but my eyes won’t be as bad and the perscription will be a lot lighter…
i went to atwal… my eyes were TERRIBLE, i seriously could not see 2 ft in front of me without it being blurred, it was very bad. after the surgery i now have 20/20. it cost a lot because how bad my eyes were but its definitely worth it
wordddddddd… this answers my question
Make sure he doesn’t use the force
see this thread
Two of my buddies had it done. One did it here local and the other did it up in toronto. The one who got it local has trouble seeing at night still after 5 years sence it was done but that has been the only side affect. Other guy who got it done in toronto had trouble seeing at night for the first few months but cleared up after his eyes healed. Hes going on 4 years and still has 20/20.Toronto was more expensive. I would deffenitly say its worth it sence both of my buddies are happy. Just do your research.
I had mine done here http://www.lasikmd.ca/en/niagara-falls/lasik-md-home.html almost 2 years ago. Both of my brothers and my sister also had it done here.
Definitely the best money I have ever spent. I had contacts/ glasses my whole life, and now I have 20/15 vision and it hasn’t gotten any worse yet. My eyes hurt for maybe 6 hours after it was done, but when I woke up the next day, they were fine. A couple check up visits and your set.
I spent about $1350 total for the surgery, eye drops/medications, and ghey bug eye goggles.
I understand that it will have to be done again in 5-15 years, but just think of how much you spend each year on contacts and glasses. It all adds up.
Yeah thats one huge thing. Way less hassle for many years and you probably end up saving money in the long run due to the expense of glasses and contacts (which will only go up)… What places are there anyways? Atwal, fichte-endel, and what others?
ive been told aside from toronto, the “customized” lasik from fichte is a tad more expensive, but the healing is extremely faster and results get a huge :tup:
one of the guys who works for my stepfather designed fichtes building in amherst and got a free custom lasik for his work…never regrets it, loves every minute, and recommends every person he knows to them
for me, im just waiting for an extra week of vacation so i dont have to suffer through idiot customers while my eyes drive me nuts…
I wore glasses/contacts for 20 years… had laser eye surgery last september and haven’t had a single problem
i see 20/15 now.
I hear “WAIT for better technology” on the eye streets.
go find an optometrist who’s gotten it… you probably won’t find any because they’re all wearing glasses still.
(they’re waiting)
so you should wait. I’ve heard way too many “not a success” stories to get it yet. it’s not perfected… everyone who’s gotten it so far is pretty much a guinea pig.
ive been contemplating doing this in the near future, im almost legally blind and contacts are getting super annoying, but i hate surgery so ive been reluctant
Has your prescription changed in the passed few years? Generally you should wait until your eyes are stable.
And, generally, sight gets worse until about age 24.
and im sure that staring at the computer screan reading this is a big help lol.
i wear glasses, it doenst bother me too muhc. there are times when it does but i’ve just gotten used to the fact that i’ll prob always have to wear them. my eyes are really sensitive, and i couldnt even toutch them to put contacts in, so i dont think i’d ever be able to do the lasik thing.