I had it done last July @ Fichte.

A+,insurance even picked up a decent chunk of it.No problems.

me too, I have spent the last two months trying to get a pair of prescription sunglasses… I must say this sucks!

I used to wear contacts but I developed allergies to most of the solutions available so that is no longer an option.

on a side note does anyone have any recommendations for prescription sunglasses?


my insurance will pick up 20% as its still considered cosmetic… but tossing around doing it with the tax return…

I reposted because things are changing so fast , there is new stufffff coming out every month… just seeing what people have to say… I think ill go see the eyeball doc and see what he has to say about my 4 eyes…

Bump anyone else have this done more recently? Any new changes with the tech and procedures? Prices?

After breaking yet ANOTHER pair of glasses, I’m sick of wearing them, cleaning them, spending $2-300 on glasses every couple years, I’m strongly contemplating this surgery. I am pretty sure my insurance picks up 15% as well. Anyone do their payment plans that they offer?

I had Atwall do mine just under a year ago. Money well spent. I had -6 and -7 before and couldn’t see shit at night. After the LASIK I can see 15/20 which is fine. Plenty of people can still see better than me, but I am content with what I have. My night vision is considerably better, I used to get blinded by on coming cars, and my eyes were much more “light senitive” before. I used to wear suglasses almost all the time when driving during the day, now I only “need” them on sunny days.

Def worth the money.


I really have the same problem at night. My vision without glasses is god awful if I was stopped at a stop sign and took off my glasses I could not make out the letter from the sign.

I can’t really wear sunglasses (well I could) due to my prescription. I’d really like a pair of Oakleys but they can’t make the lenses for my prescription. Also to get prescription sunglasses is fucking expensive. I’ve probably already spent the equivalent to laser eye surgery, with all the glasses, eye exams, repairs, etc.

if you don’t end up getting the surgery, you could always get contacts. They’re super cheap to wear since 2 week lenses usually can last me at least 2 months.

Zong just had this done and won’t shut up about it. I’ve also been contemplating the idea but it’s still pretty expensive and my insurance doesn’t cover it at all.

I’ve also been thinking about this, but my eyes are really bad, like I can’t see the big ‘E’ on the eye chart at all without glasses. I tried the contacts thing, not for me. Both my parents had this done 10 years ago with good results, maybe I will too.

The only benefit for me would be the middle of the night wake ups.
I hate glasses.

I am too cheap to get the surgery, and its still a numbers game. If someone can explain exactly why there are the aformentioned side effects, then maybe I would look into financing my sight.

5 years going and still 20/15 :tup:

I just had this done last month at Atwall. Probably the best money I’ve ever spent. It cost me 3500 after the 20% off from my insurance. I can also see better than 20/20 now. I’m at 20/15 coming from 20/500 in both eyes. They have this care credit account you can use to pay for it which is interest free for the first 2 years if you don’t have the cash. Get it done, you won’t regret it.

That sounds awesome…do you know how long ahead you need to make an appointment?

I tried supergluing the broken frame back together and it got on my lens FML…I need to get something ASAP.

I called like a week ahead. You need to go for a screening which is $150 but it goes towards your surgery. All the surgerys are on Thursday’s too. So I scheduled my screening for Wednesday then had the surgery Thursday and you have to go back Friday to make sure everything’s ok. Go back the next week then the next month and your all set. Give them a call.

Ok, I think I’m going to give Atwal a call but I need a fix temporarily. How much do contacts run, approximately? I’d only need them for like a month or so.

Just get the exam and they’ll give you some trials.

If you have a valid eye glass Rx you can get some cheap glasses here,

I had my eyes done at Atwal back in December.

I wish I would of done it years ago! It’s awesome. I have no problems with night driving!

And as far as eventually needing glasses, it’s called old age. Eyes deteriorate as you age. There’s nothing that can be done about that (yet).

I spent $150 for the eye exam and wife’s insurance covered the rest. Cosmetic surgery rider FTMFW!

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------

Hell yeah! Just go to sears!

I had it done at Atwal, I see 20/20 for the last two years. Best money I have ever spent, also probably saved my eyes bc I used to wear my contacts 24/7 for sports and was to lazy to take them out all the time. Easy procedure and have had no problems!