my wife had hers done ~5 years ago, needs glasses again for driving & seems to have terrible night vision.
i wear glasses (since 5th grade) & think this surgery will have to make major improvements before i would consider it.
the risk/reward just doesn’t add up to me

Had prk done today and I couldn’t be happier eyes are a little bit blurry and scratchy feeling but that’s expected for the first week it’s an amazing feeling to be able to read the clock next to my bed without having to put glasses on. Would recommend for anybody who wears glasses. The discomfort is no worse than wearing try contact which is way better than I expected. Been out of surgery for only ten hours


I had mine done at Fichte last thursday, I got the all lazer custom shit done. Its great, 20/20 after the first day. i as 20/400 and that as being nice she said. It was $3500 after my shitty 15% discount from my health insurance, worth it though after 21 years of wearing contacts.

Yes slight astigmatism, but supposed to have corrected it today

I had mine done 3 years ago, I’m glad I did it, but my right, and dominant eye is a little blurry. It for some reason never figured out how to focus as quickly as the left. If I cover the left, with a little patience, I can focus with the rt, but with both open, left is clearly better. It only really is obvious when it’s dark out. :confused:


I’m going on around 15 years after having LASIK done, and I still say its the best money I have ever spent on anything. I notice I squint a bit when looking at small objects at distance, but I would still say I am very close to 20/20. I had an eye exam about 6 months ago and passed with flying colors.

I had it done, and honestly I was mad I waited so long… Best money you could spend. No more dealing with contacts or glasses. No more having to plan on carrying a glasses case, contact case, solution… Having to worry about one popping out…

today is rough. I woke up super scratchy and it was difficult to try to keep them open. What they told me was that today would be the worst day maybe tomorrow, but then it’ll get better

I feel like inwant to grt this done eventually… I hope once i get insurance it covers a decent amount.

I had mine done at LASIK MD in rochester back in December and have loved it ever since. It sucked that night but I woke up the next morning with 20/20 vision and no pain, was 20/15 in both eyes a week later, and had no side effects ever since with night vision or anything. Just keep up with the routine they give for different types of drops for a week or so.

If my insurance plan covered more than a couple hundred bucks, I’d be all over this. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was in first grade and it sucks. I tried contacts and they don’t work for me…I mean they do, just not what I want. Glasses are such a pain in the ass.

The scratchy pain has stopped pretty much, but I’m blurry today.

Ok the reviews ive read are almost 50/50… Im 25 ive worn glasses since 8th grade. I look like a complete faggot with my glasses on and have always hated wearing anything over my eyes. My eyes are terrible I squint at everything. I cant see or read anything past about 5 feet my night vision sucks and I will not drive at night without my glasses. Also driving the rain is a no go without them. I only really wear my glasses when i watch tv at night or drive to and from work. My eyes arent getting worse but they arent getting better either. I hate suffering and missing out on soo much in life because I cant ever see without my glasses but contacts are not for me. I have a tear duct disorder that makes my eyes very dry and form a crusty substance in my eyelashes almost every day so Im not even going to try them.

I really would love to be able to see, but I dont want to spend all that money on something that could go wrong or go back to how it was in a few years at the same time. HELP!!

If you do the premium option at Lasik MD, as well as the “good” option at most places, you get free lifetime adjustments. If it falls below 20/20, they fix it for free.

Think of it in terms of lasing the clear coat orange peel off your car. The coating is there and you will smooth it out…over and over and over again…all while never really rebuilding the clear. Eventually you will hit your cornea…er color layer.

I’ll live with Fruit.

Is this what you had done that you were telling me about?

Free adjustments is terrible, do you buy based on that. It’s not healthy to have multiple surgeries.

I believe the lasik has a “expiration date” so-to-speak correct? So it’s recommended you have it done again after 30 years?