Deviated Septum

I’ve had a deviated septum my whole life and I’m probably getting surgery for it finally.
Its when the small bone inside your nose is bend a little and affects your breathing making it hard. You cant tell from the outside and when I suck in real fast only 1 nostril closes while the other one stays open… lol I always thought it was funny as hell! Basically I can only breath thru 1 nostril…

anyways, I’ve become annoyed with not being able to breath that well thru my nose and my girlfriend says she cant take my snoring anymore so im fixing it. I also get headaches all the time and doctors say it can be caused by a deviated septum.

Anyone ever get this surgery done? Just wondering what the recovery time is and when you can return to work. I’ve read that most people can return to work after 1 week, but it says nonstrenuous work. Well I do strenuous work…
So if anyone has had this done let me know what to expect with recovery time.

Hope this helps, they’re saying after 1 month recover is usually complete.

ya I read that eariler… but doesnt really tell you when you can return to hard labor work. was kinda looking for a first hand experience

When I inhale my left nostril closes due to my nose being crooked from getting punched in it.

i had the surgery a few years ago when I was in college. It is very uncomfortable for about a week. The bleeding was kind of annoying, I was fine the next day just some discomfort. not sure if i would do any strenous working after it for a few weeks until the wound heels

WOW! Me and another person were just talking about this tonight, i have real bad sinus’s and have been fucked for the past two weeks becasue of it and he told me his buddy had what you have and to get myself checked out for it,lol. You will have two black eyes maybe for awhile and be in pain for at least a week if you keep working, of course every person is different.

think we can get group rates at the ENT doctor? :kekegay:
Im going to Dr. Shine on on bethel church rd on hillcrest

I’d be in for group rates, except I’m likely to be involved in another incident that will re-deviate mine anyway.

going in this morning to upmc southside to get it done.
Im thristy as FUCK! but not allowed to drink anything

good luck

lol pittspeed from my hospital room ftw!

I had it done but I had my tonsils whacked and my abdnoids fixed too. The septum sucks because it can grow back which I think I’m going to have to get it again. South Hills ENT is a great place and all of the dr’s there are super nice. Worst part of the process was going back the next morning after the surgery and seeing them pull huge pieces of plastic out of your nose! Aside from that and the blood draining out randomly its not too bad. If you lift make sure you go light for a couple weeks if not more.

oh im hurtin…
This tylenyol with codine isnt doin shit… My throat is slowly starting to feel better ( had a tube down it to breathe) but my head hurts like fuck from a headache and my nose is sore as shit…

Looks like there are peices of plastic stitched into my septum and my nose feels like it is constantly running. still blood coming out

Did they put a nice big catheter in? :smiley:

Hope you feel better soon.

I hope its a quick recovery and that it totally cures your problem!

I’ve always been “stuffed up” and cant breath well through my nose… and i get horrible headaches, usually migraines. i’ll have to look into this.

You need the liquid codeine, seriously I felt great with that shiit. Aside from the hit it put on my pocket! Wait a couple of days and you’ll see stuff coming out of your nose you never thought possible lol.

I may call up the doc and ask for vikodin. the codine shit never works for me…
vikodin makes me feel very good :slight_smile:
Its an amazing feeling to be able to breathe thru your nose good again. Im a little stuffy now but when its clear its great!

I cant stand the feeling of your nose running when it isnt tho… Its gonna be nice to get these tubes out of my nose on saturday. Its probably gonna hurt like hell, but I cant see it hurting any worse from the first time i broke my nose… ( I had packing up each nostril… and just think of how painful it would be to get 2 dried up bloody tampons pulled out of your brain from your nose… thats what it felt like)

lol! I was with my wife when they pulled her packing from a deviated septum surgery. She was flipping shit by the time they finally got the whole thing out. It was just as you said, like a 4 inch blood tampon in your nose.

ya thank god I only have plastic splints this time…

say no to cocaine.

i know someone who went near that shit WAY too soon after septoplasty.

fucked their shit all up.

for real.