From the outside looking in it looks like this:

Chuck is punking out. Trying to make him race other people first. This is BS. There is no “>” thread… no nothing. Run what you brung… not run my friends first and then maybe I’ll race you. Weak.

Bill is looking to race him for free on his own conditions… eh… at least you’re willing to race him instead of making other people race him first.

Sherm also punked out. lmt clearly accepted your challenge and offered to give you $5000 to meet him on the 219. You bitched out. “You’re car will never hook” doesn’t = Lets race tonight. you’re back pedaling.

He never said what was under his hood was magical… he never said it was the first of its kind. He never said none of you have ever seen it before… he just doesn’t want to tell you what it is. Durr… why would he tell you what he was running when he wants to take your money? Don’t try to punk him out because he doesn’t want Chuck or anyone else to be scared out of a race. That is clearly the case.

No offense to Chuck or Bill… I’m just making an observation. Sherm is definitely being a bitch though.
Call out.
Back out slowly with tail placed firmly between your legs.