I'm happy things are being done about this *NSFW*

My buddy just showed me this. I’m happy girls are getting this shit taken care of cause when a bitch has meat hooks its fuckin boner slayer.


Hopefully I dont get banned LOL



LOL “im afraid your vagina… looks like a roast beef sandwich”

im having a blast on that site lol

A doctor that specializes on pussy plastic surgery… His mother must be so proud. LOL.

You might be saying that now, but if you were given the chance to be in his shoes I’m sure you wouldn’t say no lol!!! … That man get’s more pussy then SON combined lol!

Not to mention money…



The way I see it, it’s a good deal for the doctor. It’s a far easier form of sugery than heart, brain, heck, it’s probably a lot easier and less nerve racking than a lot of sugeries with a better margin of error in favour of the doctor more. That, and the money that can be had for performing this kind of sugery; it’s win/win. It’s certainly a lot easier than sweating it in an ER, dealing with whatever comes through that door, and often times the clock.

Ouch, just plain ouch…my gf watched this with me. I was going “Ahhh, fuck,…ahhhhh owww” while she just grimaced and cringed…bye bye beef curtains lmfao

nasty flesh petals

when shes not talking she is pretty hot…id prob hit it.

baahahha thats what i was saying during the whole video. I woudnt want that doctors job. Think about it all he gets it vaginas that are fucked up lol or else they wouldnt be there. Just think about some of the shit he has seen. enough to turn you off for life i bet…unless ofcoarse your into that type of shit.

Its like people saying they wanna be a gynecologist . I always say, dude you understand they only come when they have problems…how can you go home and look at a proper vag and hit it right after you just seen the herp.

“she wanted pine scent but I gave her new car smell instead”

Lmfao @ new car smell

Regardless, hot video. +1