im looking for somebody

i figured.

I have nothing useful to add to this thread.

But I will say it is fucking hilarious though…


you like to smack your friends asses when you go to coles.

dont call me lame.

im gonna be 150 bucks richer son.

so you fuck her yet? :eyebrow:

Dunno why but for some reason I’m leaning towards Choda with this one on calling the bluff.

welll duuuhhhhhh


dude its been a couple hours and nothing but talk

id tell you what happened but we aren’t going to get into it right now.

skunk knows

i will talk about it tomorrow…and even possibly get this little bet done tomorrow as well :tup:


ur an idoit beck i bet u dont have any info on this girl and u had skunk make up a fake story to tell everybody blah blah blah

this thread got way out of hand all i wanted was a sn for a friend instead i got some idoit pretending to hang out with her yes u are an attention whore but i will agree with u on 1 thing that DMB sucks… but other then that you are just a plain old asshole with no friedns for u have to try and impress people on a message board


ask howie, i if i have info on this girl. he knows.

and you’re right, i have no friends :bloated:

you know who has no friends? people that drive rangers. rangers with hoodscoops.

i have more friends on this forum than you…henceforth i dont have to impress anyone.

and if i have no friends, how did i have such an easy time aquiring her information?

kthanksbye :slight_smile: :gay2:

OT: Is it just me or does it seem like ScoopyRanger’s grammar is kinda like a slope in this thread… all downhill?

You wear girls clothes whats your point?

i odnt understand y this had to be drained out to 9 pages of bullshit

bsflag X 178403256

dude…i haven’t said one damn thing in this thread… and i have no “story” to tell anybody… so i have no idea what the hell ur talking about…so shut your god damn mouth and don’t bring me into this

wheres the pics? here comes the ban stick

Ok im awake! Look who came to work with me today!! Its the Drama llama…

i know u havent said anything at all but beck said you know what happend last night with beck and her…if he evan knows who she is…

nitro…yes i agree all i wanted was a simple sn for a friend but i guess people just care about the bad shit she did

and beck… wow u have alot of online friends that must be sweet… your my hero for having friends on the internet