I'm Wondering

If Anybody has a carfax account. It says my car has 14 reports on it. Just curious to see what it was.

I ran the report and here is what it said:

  1. it’s gay
  2. it’s slow
  3. see #'s 1 and 2
  4. see #'s 1 and 2
  5. see #'s 1 and 2
  6. see #'s 1 and 2
  7. see #'s 1 and 2
  8. see #'s 1 and 2
  9. see #'s 1 and 2
  10. see #'s 1 and 2
  11. see #'s 1 and 2
  12. see #'s 1 and 2
  13. see #'s 1 and 2
  14. see #'s 1 and 2

J/K, I’m sure someone on here can run you a report.

I hope. I really wanna make sure i didn’t get fucked.

I wanna see if my accident last month showed up on it… I was told that because all the parts the guy put on my car were used (yes, ALL of them) that it wouldn’t, because it tracks it whenever a shop orders stuff from a DEALER… but I :dunno:

I think Mike has an account, but I can’t remember.

if its tunrned into the insurance it will show

:frowning: that sucks… oh well, not like I would ever get rid of that hunk of shit anyways… :tounge:

Well can you ask Mike if he can run it for me?

I have to look for the password and such. I got in when my grandmother was looking for a new car. not sure if its still active. If it is I’ll get a hold of you for info…

i think the unlimited reports for $14.99 is only for a month of unlimited reports

Yea thanks alot my luck its stolen has odometer fraud, flood damaged, and totaled somehow. Thats just how my last name works. Its called the “McLaughlin Curse” lol

Office Space:Phil Lumberg says “Yea if you could find the password that’d be great”

Yeah now that chad brings that up he is right. We paid for the unlimited month and used it, well towards the end some one else on here was looking for somthig simalar and I tried to access it and stated it had expired. It also stated that I couldn;t purchase the month unlimited for another 6 months which made no sense to me.
