Imagine being 2 hours into your flight and seeing this

it really wouldnt bother me… planes can run on 1 engine… just kinda piss me off on the delay… but @ least the flight would be free

nah that shits fine, its a porsche engine, air cooled sucka.


I would wait to see the little Gremlin tearing apart other stuff like in the Twilight Zone movie

as long as it is still attached to the plane i am good

Id be calm as hell after i punch the stuardess in the jaw and raid the booze cabinet.There would be little alcohol bottles all over the interior of that bitch. People would be like " OH MY GOD SNAKES… OH WAIT, THOSE ARE BOTTLES ON A PLANE."

Than Id realise the engine cowlings are actually still in place just flipped open. Id immagine that was a routine procedure that provided extra lift so that the plane could be more stable for when the sexy party starts.

Man I need to lay off of coffee


Then Awe.

Then lots of free drinks.

Then deciding which passengers would be easiest pickings during the fight to escape the flaming wreckage.

I would wonder why I am flying over Memphis.

I’d be pissed to see that…

WTF NO TURBO?!?!?!!!

Then lots of free xanax

nah, I’m not a fan of overmedication. Besides, if you don’t get hurt, why bother?

“I’ll bet we beat the paramedics there by a half hour!”

and +1 to it looking like the wing is missing too…that’s what i thought at first…

over water… at night, would suck

over water at night > over any land at any time…

even though in either case you’d probably DIE, at least you have somewhere to land during the day :slight_smile:

id want to use a flotation device rather then a meat pillow. :wink:

how would you get on that flotation device? can commercial planes do a somewhat safe water landing? or do you jump out the door at 200mph?

Looks like there could be some nice intercooler piping on there, should have went out there and stole it.

Water landing at 200mph? that would hurt. You can allways try to pull a Spartan117 and use the plane door as a shield lol. But in all honesty if the cowling were to bend up at a 90 degree angle and not break off ,that plane is going down in a nice slow spiral. Think of it as one wing saying stop, and the other not listening. Aerodynamics are a bitch.


I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing :lol: