Important Things with Demitri Martin on Comedy Central...I get it...

this is just trolling cable TV hardcore.

nobody actually thinks this is funny, right?

it’s the most uncomfortable, unfunny, and awkward (not in a funny way either) excuse for comedy that I have ever witnessed.

the annoying kid on the bus in middle school who would repeat things because he thinks he’s being funny, but really everyone hates him is less annoying than this guy.

so is that the joke?


I thought he was ok on his comedy specials but that show SUCKS

it’s on right now, fuck off dude seriously.

realyy. i think its funny because it so bland and unfunny. Thats why its funny

i demitri is one of my favorite comedians but the show can get a little long in the tooth from time to time

You are getting old…:rofl:rofl:rofl

I find it funny. Oh well…

ATHF is on. Why are you watching that crap?

i watched the show once, never really wanted to turn it on again. tosh.o on the other hand is great. hoodrat kid got web redemption this week.

haha hell yeah tosh.0 is funny as hell surprisingly enough

his 1 or 2 original comedy central things with the guitar and the posterboard are very funny, havent seen the other shit