In case ANY of you still doubt im a total baller

ownage in reply:D

Originally posted by jcxcr4000
dude her phone number was on the post about her party so if you really want to be technical everyone on here has her phone number :tounge:

so darkstar i think this award belongs to you

yeah, you’re right. I got so owned. I was desperately trying to hook up with beth, so i fenagled her phone number out of a conversation about a part for a DSM… THEN… i decide to start a thread about it, an in said thread, i post that she gave me her number in hope of s3x0rs, on a forum on which she posts on all the time. I in no way foresaw that she might read said thread, and interject the actual events. I am such a dult. I wish i would have just posted it to be funny, you know…as a joke…, then such ownage never would have occured.


Originally posted by Darkstar Next time, look for the funny first, then get your panties all in a bunch.Besides, i already have a woman, thats torture enough, you really think i want another one? a drama queen attention whore nonetheless?.. :rolleyes: [/B]


Originally posted by Darkstar

Next time, look for the funny first, then get your panties all in a bunch.Besides, i already have a woman, thats torture enough, you really think i want another one? a drama queen attention whore nonetheless?.. :rolleyes: [/B]
Momy doesn’t count.

I wasn’t even mad…i thought it was funny :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Mitsugrl97
I wasn’t even mad…i thought it was funny :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

post-ownage retraction denied.