Guess What

Im fucking drunk. Just got home from the strip club. Red bull + absolut > me

god damn it

your an idiot

i thought you were gonna say you finally tased cum. Oh well, better luck next time

and u forgot that strippers love me…

oh yeah, true story, 2 asked for my number tonight, one being the girl 1320 paid money for a lapdance… gawd i love dirty females…

not really something I would be happy about sailor. you are not the only one that gets their number man believe me

dont be a hater sam…

nonly bandh striuppers out of state. that wayt itrs harder for them to trace tbeir babies datuy!

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

what in the fuck are you talking about!!! tracing babie’s and strippers??? :wtf: :bowrofl:

Haha 1320 looks like you have a friend. :bowrofl:

shit happens

Correction. Rusty240det paid for that lapdance.

look what i found

is that yuppies sigh?

titty check! :rofl:


Hahahahaha… it was for a band called sobriety check

I thought Titty Check would be much better to see.

Quit being a POSER !!! :down:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:


would you get rid of that g unit arm band u homo