Strip Clubs: the poll (pole?)

I have never been to a strip club. Nor do i have any interest. It’s not that i don’t appreciate the female form, I just hate the idea of it. I’ve actually vowed never to set foot in one…



Yes i’ve been to strips clubs quite a few times…

do i love it more than anything… no.

obviously i have gone back, but im not huge on them

Been a few times, its alright…not big on lap dances or anything…just not my cup of tea

Its like most regulal clubs I go to…Its nice to go check out the scenery but I am in no means looking to meet/hook up with a girl at a bar/club

Bout the same, I enjoy myself, but I’m not like “OMG I NEED TO GOTO DOWNER”.

Im not big on strip clubs. I dont think I should pay money to have some girl grind up on me to give me blue balls. Hell, I can pay 5 dollar cover and go to Big Shotz for that.

its just a place to hang out, throw away money on drinks, and see somethings your normally wouldnt.

i luv the nudies. but only in canada, NYS regulations sucks.


Been to various ones a few times. Been a long time since I’ve been actually, but I certainly won’t say I’ll never go back. :slight_smile:

are you kidding? nothing is more rewarding than giving women small amounts of money to do ridiculous things.
her: aren’t you going to throw down a tip?
me: sure, right after you climb that pole and touch the ceiling with your feet.
her: does it
me: throws down a dollar and walks away laughing

lol. this poll is turning out to be far less interesting than i anticipated…

haha, i guess if you’re a car guy it’s pretty tough to pick up girls…

the pool tables at strip clubs are always the nicest around because no one ever plays on them.

I just went to sundowners last night…great talent there…took 2 virgins(of strip clubs…) beck being one of them.

I had fun… Do i love them? No.
BUt if my friends are all going…I can’t argue having tittys in my face.

i always find a thrill in rolling up a dollar and making it disappear. It’s kinda like watching a hand puppet show end in slow motion, except with fleshy curtains.

Hmmm I will go and drink and hang out don’t waste money on the girls…

I know a bunch of people who work at the strip clubs around here so meh…Just fun to go hang out…

Unless you BrendanSi and get written all over and beaten on stage :slight_smile:

“I think most men agree, that once you’ve seen one woman naked… you want to see the rest of them.” – Ron White

Understatement of the year for NYSpeed.

Is it weird that we celebrated our anniversary at strip club and I was on stage more then my husband?? :snky:

Yeah yeah yeah I know :needpic:

Downers with a bunch of friends= Acceptable.

i like going to the strip clubs with my gf… or a bunch of friends, but only on days when its slow and im celebrating something otherwise its kinda blegh

Fun times. Not sexual though. More of a comedy show to me. “How the fuck can she do that and keep a straight face?” “Oh look at how sexy it is when I wrap my leg around my neck 3 times.” :mamoru: Oh baby…

Then there’s always a token d-bag that’s drunk and gets into it and thinks he’s supposed to dance too or something, like it’s a chick at a club he’s trying to pick up. “Dude. Don’t do that. You sit the fuck down and keep the dollar bills coming. Man law.”

The last time I went it was for my buddy’s bachelor party. He’s the sheltered redneck type. Not racist by any means, but was never really around people of different color, so he tends to act kinda ackward at first ya know? So we found this rather large manly chick that looked half harlem and half zimbabwe and sent him off for a private dance for a while. In the mean time we had 2 swedish looking blondes come to our table to dance together. I still can’t figure out how they managed to tongue each other’s assholes at the same time while standing up. Needless to say they were very flexible. :tup:

It’s not sexual. I have never had a hard on at a strip club. It’s all about the adventure.

They can be a fun time with the right people, but I’m not big on them. Too expensive for one. Why pay for something you can get for free lol. The really sad thing are the guys that are regulars as I’m sure they exist. I’m just not that miserable with my life that I feel I have to give money to girls for them to pay attention to me (and you know it’s just a job for them).