In Maryland at Pinks show

Well we spent the last 36 hours basically rebuilding this car,the first thing is the cam was put in wrong and it was off 5 teeth and then it ben valves and pushrods,so got the motor back together and started testing it and it blew the number 1 and 2 and sent peices into the oil pan,so we basically it was 4 o’clock yesterday and we had a broken car so we decided to kick a few stones down at JJ’s and managed to find a 6.0 motor to swap into the the car, and we finally got it done at 3:00 in the mourning and got to test it and finally got to sleep at 5:00 in the morning wake up back at 7:30 and rooling again so we leave about 10:30 and get here at like 3:28 only to find out that our competion blew there second motor and there not showing with the car So there basically telling us to go fuck ourselves. Right now there trying to find someone to race us so i’ll get back to you about what is going on and if you guys wanna listen to what going on in the negotiation call this tool free number 877-368-7392 more post to follow.

you kicked stones and took my motor? that’s the one i was gonna put in the turdstang


I would freak out…good luck boys

thats some BS man …are the turds from PInks there and actually know these guys blew their motor before they even tried to come

i heard last night, did anyone get to make any passes to see what it runs?

wow thats crazy man! hopefully you guys can race something.

what is the other car, anyone confirm what it is?

I know but I don’t think anyone is allowed to say till the show airs.

sux to hear about this…good luck and hope to see you all on T.V.

i found this on another forum

lexus sc with 2j swap

Thanks don

don’t thank me, just pay me…

i won’t say who posted it though, not that it matters now.

someone from here posted it? yeah it really don’t matter if the car is blown up

yes. leaked it out last week

somehow i think they may be bullshitting you on the sc300 motor blowing… MSP is building it and i think they have a clue what they are doing when it comes to 2jzs… who knows what the real reason is. but good luck

first why would you post who built the car on a public forum. next 2JZ’s will blow up dude and if you are trying to spray the crap out of em they will go. MSP if they infact built the car go through some motors in a season it may be a old tired race motor they threw in the car really

listening now host sounds pissed lol wtf

Im so lost.

host keeps yellin at quik to go away :kekegay: