In Maryland at Pinks show

we gave them 5 and still beat them by 8

do you really thing that pittspeed isnt sprayin? thing they are holdin back?

didnt know the PS car has NOS

11 lengths

no bottle

they sure as hell better not have bs’d about not using the bottle

We arent being flexible …cause their car is a POS

ohh no. PS is a about to lose the car if they dont take this race


this has to be a joke right?

they about to yank the car and just give it to the mustang crew

here we go!

yeah but still…i hope they hid one

wow we got fucked

11 cars without bottle… should have never said a word about the bottle

11 cars and no bottle-BS


11 lengths, no bottle

first ever executive decesion on the race.

this is one time we could actually use that vb chat thing

earlier they needed the filter for the carb…now they dont’ need it it’ll catch on fire…wtf