God, the other crew is a bunch of pussies.
someone freaked out
probably…how fast was the s10? are we racin it for pinks?
who broke a windshield?
who won ???
i can’t wait to see this, sounds like it will be a great show. wish i had speed channel.
Pittspeed. Sounded like someone flipped out and smashed the windshield on the 240. Hard to tell with all of the screaming.
we won…dood get with the times, we won by 3 cars givin them 11 lenghts and no bottle…is that the end or do we get to listen to them race the truck?
why would someone from our crew smash our own windshield
someone from theirs smashed it, i missed that part
someone call some body down there
is tht it ???
Yea someone call Quik or Whitey
wtf I’d smash someones head. What did sailor do?
thats why they asked quik if he had a sheild on his helmet
i think they said they can race the truck if they have a visor on the helmet… i think they are yanking the windshield
I got whitey’s number but he’d be like who is this?
i dunno the audio cut out
who gives a fuck call it
i think quik and whity are busy. i text cheeks but no answer yet