inauguration picture

not sure how many of you have seen this, but it’s a super high def. picture of the inauguration ceremony, the camera that shot this was something like 1474 mega-pixels, zoom in and check out ppl’s faces.

K so.

wheres waldo?

thats an amazing shot you can see almost all the way to the back of the crowd

check out the black fellow, half asleep behind obama.

can you spot the secret service?

I found one. white guy left hand side (our right)of Obama black trench coat & black sun glasses and right beside the light

Can you spot the shape shifting alien (black guy) lol no jk

lool yeah the camera even caught him!

bush doesn’t look too pleased lol

gangster pic though.

lol, hardcore texan red-neck getting pushed out by a black guy? yeah, prolly pissed a lil’ lol. imagine the pictures nasa can get of shit goin’ down? bet they can read your liscence plate, the future of speeding tickets?

i want to be able to click on each person and read a bio.

That’s fucking crazy

not working for me i get this msg

Fatal error: Class ‘BasePage’ not found in /var/www/html/viewGigapanFullscreen.php on line 73

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/lib/php/session) in Unknown on line 0

lol you fail rob!

well thats what i was told by the message! its working now though

Pffffffffff…What a waste of time, there’s no naked women in that pic. They should use a camera like that on a lesbian nudist beach! That would be worth looking at!


Btw John, I hope you don’t mind… but I’ve been telling my friends about your fart story… they love it, lol. :slight_smile:

behind obama you can see his wife behind her there is a man black suit white shirt and a red tie behind him thees another faceless man i would bet thats to of them (secret servise that is)


Oh man, this can’t be good. One day I’m gona come back to Canada and I will be know as the elevator farter guy lol.

That’s cool.