Innovative Tuning should be open Monday

time to stop going to wendy’s dude :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish I could blame this on Wendy’s. That would give me a reason to stop eating it. I think I’ll give it a rest anyways.

oh definately the fast food. What was the diagnosis? If you feel like telling people.

I don’t mind telling, but I didn’t want to sound emo and spill it unless someone wanted to know what’s up.

I got some sort of bacterial infection, flulike only worse. I was fine one minute. The next minute I’m puking blood and blacked out. Get to hospital and I’m there for an hour or so. Then I black out while walking to the bathroom and wake up in a bed with more needles in my arms. Blacking out and waking up somewhere else is a pretty odd experience.

Then I’m feeling much better after a while in the hospital getting fluids. They give me a prescription for nausea. That reacts badly with a minor heart condition I have while I’m at home and nearly gives me a heart attack so I end up back in the hospital.

After I stopped taking the prescription and it got out of my system I was fine…but it made my heartbeat irregular and I was having bad chest pain and palpitations. Now I just feel a bit run down like I should. I’ll be back to 100% in a couple days.

Jebus. I’m glad to hear everything is okay now, that sounds like quite a ride.

I got insanely sick from a burger I ate at Wal Mart once. Not nearly as bad as you had it but I also went the the ER because I vomited so much I felt like I was going to black out. Once they got some fluid back in me I was fine.

Oddly enough my stomach never felt sick and they don’t think it was food related. I worked a full normal day feeling totally fine. Got home and an hour later I just started puking out of the blue. No doubt the blacking out was from dehydration in my case too. I puked so much I don’t know where it was coming from.

That reminds me of the episode of Beavis and Butthead where Beavis is scratching his nuts all day and then makes a bunch of burgers at work and everyone gets sick lol

I went for similar things, i had some bad duck i think it was. Then started shitting like crazy for about a week it was like every 20 minutes so i just tried to stay dehydrated. After a week of my ass feeling like raw hamburger i went to the hospital to find out i had salmonella. The worst part of it all is i didn’t have health insurance…balls.

holy shit! glad you’re ok though…

I remember watching that episode with my dad. He loved that show. Ugh I got salmonella once from some chicken once. IIRC correctly my stomach felt rotten for about a week with that. In this case I had the puking without the rotten feeling stomach as odd as that sounds.

damn mike, shitty things always happen to good guys

Glad you are OK.
You should have just logged onto NYSPEED for medical help though.:mamoru:

+1 should have made a poll

poll? :clap:

Glad you’re back up on your feet Mike!!

glad your ok, whens the next dyno day? =)

There won’t be any dyno days since there’s no dyno. :wink: