Rocky's pizza is closing.....

On Mondays,starting Sept. 24th.
Mondays are a really slow day and I would like at least one day off a week.My anniversary is the 23rd,so may actually take a mini 2 day vacation as I have friends to cover me on the 23rd.
Oh Yeah, wifeys Present is an 08 Sky Redline!!!
That is all.

Sky Redline or
Red Skyline?

Phew. I read the title and was getting ready to go on a killing spree :ohnoes: Take some time off D, you deserve it :smiley:

one day off what is that shit!! next it will be 2

Yeah i was about ready to smash my computer when I saw this

Definetly well deserved


OK OK I’ll stop in for food.

I’d give my left nut for some greasy food right now, but not a drive to GI. Post MBA class post drinking munchies < all. My dumbass buddy even got pulled over in my driveway for going around Surrey circle several times, too fast. Had to show me what his 80’s T/A with 350 swap and lowered suspension could do. Tard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhow, thanks for the reminder to eat your food. I’ll be up on a lunch break this week.

hire me, I need a 2nd job! I have tues and thurs free until 6:30, and Sundays free after 12pm.

I have 7 years experience in sales/customer service, and 2.5 in management

i tried calling you on sunday and today… straight to voicemail… i shall try again real soon

i got nervous when I read this.

My cell phone I would assume?

yes indeedy… im anti vmail lol… i shoulda left one, but i hate recordings


who hasnt done that.

Phil (guy i work with) mentioned that you may close mondays…

so, you now know the splendor that is phil… he orders lunch every single day.

Scaring us there, whew.

that’s weird you would think mondays would be busy for football

pizza was really good the one time we cruised up there. should do it again

yea… why not make a monday night football special deal for wings/pizza

:tdown: to the title of this thread, gave me a damn heart attack…

:tup: to giving yourself a break, you don’t want to burn out :stuck_out_tongue:

Phil is a great guy.We actually asked him his advice as we don’t want to make our customers mad.
AS far as football goes,It actually did get a little busy Monday for a little bit around 8pm which saved the day from being really bad.Actually thought about just opening at 4pm,but still wouldn’t have a day off then.

My thoughts exactly!!! I remember you saying something about this…you deserve a day off for sure Derek. See ya tonight

haha that was a shocking title… i never came by but i’d like to :slight_smile:

maybe if you have some more trusted employees you can have them work alone on mondays?