Help me name my new pizzeria on Grand Island.Serious please

I’m in the process of evicting Stan’s Pizzeria from my Plaza on Grand Island and will be opening on/about Nov. 1st my own place.Trying to throw some different names around and being the Island can’t be like big Cheesies etc.
A few that I’m considering:

  1. something to do w/ the name Rocky.That was my first Rotties name and when He died of cancer we said we would name our next pizzeria after him and donate 1% to Cancer research.Only problem Is I don’t want to be called Rocky.
    Was thinking today,maybe ‘Rocky’s Island Pizza’
    2)Big D’s is what most ppl are suggesting to me.I don’t think it will go over Great on the Island.I know what matters most is the pizza,but trying to do the best possible.
    3)Big Valley Pizza.This was my first pizzeria in Lkpt and a few ppl suggested calling it that.Could use the Rocky’s in front of it.
    The name must be easily recognizable.In the above case of Rocky’s Island pizza,some ppl may call it Rocky’s, while some may call it Island pizza and there could be some confusion there.
    Any help LMK and thanks.

Rocky and “XXXXXX (mistero)” Grand Island Pizza Adventure

after rocky and bullwinkle.

how about 773-pizza: rocky’s best

I dont care what it’s called…
but as long as its better than stans i’ll eat there :smiley:

and < $5 lunch specials are the best :wink:


Pizza Pimp

“HUGE PIZZA” …fucillo huge

I really do like rocky’s pizza,if you name it that you should have eye of the tiger on loop 24/7.

Grand Pie-land

“We’ve Got Worms!”

i like Pizza FTW and Grand Pie-land

Rocky’s Island Pizza - That’ll work. Oh, and can I get a job delivering ? 400HP deliveries…

Pie in Grand-I

id go with that.

I like Pizza FTW also. Just make sure that when you advertise, people know it’s “For The Win”

and when refered to in slang, it can be called “Eff Tee Dub”


Haha, the nerd crowd would love it. Everyone else would be confused/curious what the hell it means which might draw more attention to the name which wouldn’t be a bad thing. :lol:

yeah, “Rocky’s pizza FTW” is sweet.

Pizza Works.

My Pizza Pie.

One guy, a car forum and a pizza place.

Misteroman$$$ Pizza :stuck_out_tongue:

jacos :slight_smile:

anything but “Big D’s”
When i hear that, i am reminded of tires ?!

Lets see here

FAST- kind of cool but seems too long like fun.If it was more of a sit down place it might work out.

DRNV-773 pizza Is AWESOME.The # is available 773 7499(pizz) you throw in the A and # can’t be dialed.That could be a HUGE problem.My friends that opened the deli next door is 773 DELI or 775.One bad thing about the Isle,too many diff. #'s 773,774,775.

The FTW’s would kill the place in the long run,but would be funny.Kind of like the kids i the Buff paper w/ the shocka’

AWD- I think of chocolate

JUICEYSS-I don’t reallly think I would let you drive the Vette to deliver.Everyone knows they put engines that failed the testing in the plants in the GTO’s and TB SS’s.I heard they are closer to like 330hp:D

J_ESPIE 2- I love the name but Just don’t think it will sound right.Sounds really kiddish.See the new names below.

CARNUT-The kid that will be MAnaging it used to have a place called Pizza works in the falls.see below for a similar name.

N2O-That made me laugh.I was telling people I was going to name it STIN’S or STAAASH’S (sp? for polish name of stan)How was Jaco’s anyways?Not to hard to make it with the low overhead.

Wifey wants me to name it Mr D’s pizza but I think that sounds cocky.Another one everyone is saying is a spin off the D one.DEEEEEEEEE-ricks which is somehow what my name derek has turned into.
I appreciate everyone thinking of things and trying to help me out.Keep them coming and When I open we’ll have a little PP:D

:word: I was totally gonna write that and then I saw yours lol

what are the street names that its on or near?

Mr. Ds would sound cool and its kinda like Mr Deeds…which also owned a pizza place which might help keep your place fresh in peoples minds?

D-Rock’s Pizza

Rocky-D’s Pizza

Grand Island Boulevard between Fantasy is. and KOA.I will be taking advantage of these two businesses,which he doesn’t.

CARNUT-that movie is like 10yrs old,isn’t it?I never see it on TV anymore. But do kind of like the name.

ROBTC- D Rocks lol One buddy always calls me that.I have no idea why tho.No Rock here.ROCKY D’s is a little interesting.I may have to ask around on that one.