I hate you all.
oh Boy
well i will no longer be shaking hands…with anyone
There is no way the urine in the pool is even possible, the whole list is just made up.
The pool thing, 1/12 litre is about 2.8 oz. Say you ingest a gallon of pool water in that hour and there is no way you even come close to drinking a gallon an hour. 2.8 oz is 2.2 percent of a gallon. That means that 2.2 percent of the pool has to be urine. If an olympic size swimming pool has approx 280,000 gallons and assuming a municipal pool is simillar in capacity that means 6160 gallons of urine has to be in the pool.
A normal person urinates 10-15 oz at a time. Let’s go with 15. That would mean that 52,500 people would have let a full bladder load go in the pool not accounting for evaporation and using grossly inflated numbers for amount of water inatake.
wow, just let it go man.
what if its a baby pool at home with no chlorine?
you’ll get superAIDS and die.