Interesting find............

Do people google for porn and it leads them here? i found this right now when i went into members online…

Yahoo! Slurp Spider Viewing Thread
OnTheRun’s Girl
01:58 AM Guest Viewing Thread
Who remembers the GOT MILF license plate ordeal?
01:58 AM Guest Viewing Thread
drunk bitch caught on tape !!

you use google for porn? :rofl:

Not me u dumb fuck,u know how to read?

I can’t believe sleeper uses google for porn :eek: :slap:


google images for porn?

you google for porn? what a loser.

So you see Yahoo!'s spider in threads and want to know if people are Googling for porn? You are t3h confus3d.



^^^Thats the gayest shit i’ve seen on the internet in a while LOL

this thread sucks so much fucking penis, I want to go and kick darkstars mom in the face.




ripping porn :rofl: