Internet options for rural areas?

The only thread I found was 3 years ago, so I figured maybe things changed by now.

I live in North Collins and currently have Hughesnet. I sell stuff online so I spend a lot of time on the internet, especially in the winter. I don’t download music or movies or do any online gaming. Basically, Hughesnet sucks a bag of dicks. I pay $80 a month for some “premium” plan, and they have cut me off 2 times in 2 weeks for going over my limit. When they do that, it slows down so bad it’s not even usable. They then try to sell you “tokens” to restore your service. Today watching some youtube vids put me over. Thing is, I never know if they’ve cut me off or the internet is just acting up for no apparent reason, because it happens so damn much. I’m sick of paying $80 for garbage- are there ANY better options out there? Who would I talk to at TW about seeing if anyone near me has service? Probably not, but who knows.

It’s no fios… But VZW has a wireless service that gets you online as long as you can get a cell signal. North collins is EVDO coverage, so it’s comparable to a little faster than DSL. It’s not gonna be any cheaper, but it will be faster. We do plenty of hughesnet conversions. they offer a couple tiered packages, 3GB /$35, 5GB /$50, 10GB /$80. If you’re interested, I’ll give you the hardware for free.

I also have the new 4G cards. This is supposed to be 12 times faster than current 3g speeds, however its not live in Buffalo yet. I expect it to be live in ~8 months or so. I can work out a pretty good deal on that hardware too, service costs are 5GB/$50 and 10GB/$80 (they dont offer the $35 plan for 4G).

Should be able to get DSL. Had a buddy who lived in Avon and had DSL.,-95.677068&sspn=63.600521,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Avon,+Livingston,+New+York&ll=42.909307,-77.744322&spn=0.014648,0.033023&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A

Satellite internet does suck a bag of dicks. I installed Wild Blue (Hughesnet’s competition) for years and always felt bad for the people ordering it. It’s slow, they cap you, and if it’s raining, chances are you won’t be able to get online. I mean it beats dial-up if that’s your only other option, but definitely check out what Geehee suggested if DSL isn’t available and maybe if it is even.

dsl you need to be within less than 4 miles of a telco central office if i remember correctly, Its been a long time since ive been a phone guy. I would call TW and see if service is available… the cable modem is def cheaper and faster than what you have and the cable modem performs better than DSL. I would think that would be the way to go unless you live wayyy far off the main road or far away from town etc… If not then yes the wireless card should work fine where you are