

nope sorry… dont know u… just whizzed by you one morning and you gave me a dirty look :slight_smile:


I don’t give dirty looks unless people are staring or going too slow :wink:

i never stare… unless there i something quite nice to stare at… which I cannot recall. in this case at least :slight_smile:


i never stare… unless there is something quite nice to stare at… which I cannot recall. in this case at least :slight_smile:




i never stare… unless there i something quite nice to stare at… which I cannot recall. in this case at least :slight_smile:


Noob cracking jokes already, I guess you feel at home here. :lol:


Welcome. I don’t think I missed it, but what brings you to Buffalo from Cali? Well you did mentioned working too hard, so that’s cool if you just want to leave it at that.

Nice cars. I can guess already, but which is your favorite? Which ones, if any, are you storing through the winter? The German cars stand up better, but still: Salt sucks.

As mentioned, monosyllabic words are your friend around here. Some of our knuckles are sore from wrenching, some are sore from them dragging on the ground. Some both. :rofl:

Anyhow, welcome. Stick around. Have fun. If you ever need a little extra weight for ballast in the RS4 let me know. :stuck_out_tongue:


…are you storing through the winter? The German cars stand up better…


He told me he is driving the RS4 through the winter, should be a lot of fun.

thanks for the encouragement and words of wisdom fry. much appreciated… I am here partly because of opportunities that opened up; partly because of family connections… The place has quite agreed with me thus far… the one caveat being the weather. Of course I’ve got the RS4 to help with that ( will be driving it throughout the winter).

Salt is definitely a concern… But I’ve rarely owned a car for more than 3 years and the RS4 will be replaced with the R8 in two.

Mea culpa for using words taking more than two breaths to utter :). Then again… australopithecenes and habilis also need stimulation. no? If not… then at least those knuckles will get a workout.

Veni, Vedi, Vici

Welcome… rs4’s are pretty good looking


Then again… australopithecenes and habilis also need stimulation. no? If not… then at least those knuckles will get a workout.


Good thing you didn’t mention Erectus. This thread would have gone on an entirely different tangent.

Oh damn. I mentioned Erectus.

Next thing you know, folks will start calling me a homo.

touche’ :slight_smile:
although i do quite prefer habilis to erectus… just hoping that i get to see lucy in my lifetime… i guss the exhibit caught a major snag with the smithsonian this year
but ya had to go mention erectus didnt you ! haha

What about us Neanderthals?

Did somebody say erectus? :mamoru:

Anyhow, check this thread if you want to protect the RS4 through a couple of winters.

I’ve never used it, but the general consensus is that it works really well. I’m thinking about having it done to my truck. It’s my first brand new vehicle so I’m all gung ho about keeping it shiny. Plus I plan on keeping this truck its entire life, so I should probably have Schmitts spray it. :stuck_out_tongue: Although I’m kind of running out of time if I’m going to do it before salt…

Lucy’s at the Smithsonian? It would definitely be cool to see a 4 million year old skeleton. That stuff used to fascinate me back when I had time to study/read stuff for fun. Different species of man existing at the same time was especially mind blowing. Although I think that’s still going on. I’m pretty sure one of the guys in my MBA class is of a lesser evolutionary state. We were out drinking last night and he was saying something about having made $20 dollars for punching a hobo…

The fact that I ran into you at work…and your a doctor kinda blew my mind…talk about random that you called me a NYSPEED goon too LOL!

haha no doubt… quite random
although i do say im rather disappointed that you’re didnt have a ‘bouncy’ avatar ha