iPad Mini 16gb White BNIB


im actually in the market for one but correct me if im wrong, doesnt bestbuy have this for $330?
Or are the prices up because maybe everyones sold out?

im honestly not sure the details, just went to ebay and checked it out and the market for it. thats where i got my prices from.

gotcha, yea i have no idea the details on them. theres so many different models it makes my head spin

haha yeah i hear ya, crazy apple people and their technology

Walmart store #2405—Hamburg
5360 Southwestern Blvd
Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 646-0682
13.02 miles
In Stock

I don’t want an ipad but the women does.

if you would take $300 cash i would take it if not. just ebay it.

hmmmm ill pm you

up on ebay,

already met my reserve of $375 in only 4 hours…

buyer seems to have flaked, back up for sale. will be relisted on ebay today too

With PP fee’s, Ebay fee’s and shipping cost. you should just sell it here for the $300 and no worries about flakers

^ What he said.

yep. thats why i pmed choko today reguarding the issue to see if he still wanted it or not

ill take it if choko backs out

just seen your PM. replied. ill take it if ya still have it.

should have sold it to me to begin with lol

Good deal. if i didn’t need the Cellular one i would of picked this up. been playing with mine for a week now and its pretty cool.

bump this up. still have it

I’m just curious, why are you selling this for 400$? Mine was 329 + tax last month

He’s selling it for 300, read the thread.


check ebay, they go for $375 ish all day, idk why

So did choko back out? Is it $300?