IQ test

  1. w0rd.

I’ve taken probably a dozen IQ tests in my day… I’ve seen ones MUCH harder then others…

The other thing is that your IQ in math, might not necessarily be the same as your IQ in reasoning… there are soo many different portions and tests.

Of all the ones I’ve taken I range between 120-160 … I never believe the results tho…

I’ve taken a bunch of different ones. All of my results end up between 125 and 140.

Thank you for your interest in the test at

Your general IQ score is: 126

Eh… 128. I honestly expected a higher score.

lol 149

158 son w00t, i took one the other day that came out 138 so i dont really trust the online ones.

bwahahahahahha…this test has to be bullshit…or you cheated:lol: …i was wondering why my score was only a 119

The other reason why the online ones are bunk is because a true IQ test HAS to be timed… Any moron can sit there and figure out why if sally is younger then susie, and susie is older then Tammy, then you can’t tell if Tammy is older/younger then sally or not… if it takes you 5 minutes to figure that out… then you do not deserve a 100+ IQ.

i got 125, i cant do math that quick

I got a great score, but as already stated it’s pointless for multiple reasons

People are brilliant in millions of different ways, and old style IQ tests like the one off that site are only focused on one or two traits. I remember taking a real IQ Test when I was ten and scored very well. From what I remember it included analyzing pictures and open ended questions, also memory retention testing and also finding errors in musical strings or whatever ( like point out what note/s arent correct. ) However even though that test seemed really elaborate, it still doesnt test everything.

Some painters have amazingly high IQ, but suffer from learning disorders or have other symptoms that would have them otherwise fail miserably on generic tests. Mozart had a high IQ, but couldnt trim his pubes without chopping up his nutsaq.


My guidance counsler asked me “Howard, are there things going on at home? Or do you find yourself not being able to focus on things well?”

I asked her why she asked me that, and apparently I did super well on my 3 IQ tests but I sucked at school :bloated:

I don’t think IQ tests are a good measure of how truely intelligent a person is. I think I fared very well on those IQ tests because my mom forced me to do Kumon (a supplimental math program for kids), and I was learning Calc by the time I was 14…

Just like the SATs, where I raped math (750) and I studied again and did well in the verbal section (660), I don’t think I’m that smart, just a good test taker.


1410 on your SATs good job

go take a real one…if you score the same you could be in mensa

which would be cool

I, however, am stupid. I have a 107 with a real IQ test (im learning disabled so I had plenty of testing done in highschool).

All an IQ is is your ability to learn and comprehend. a person with a PHD and an iq of 110, in actuality, is smarter than some country bumpkin who gre up on the farm and never applied his IQ of 156


The world today is all about who you know.

If you know that, you are deemed “smarter” than a lot of people.


