IQ test

anybody take an iq test online b4?

what was ur results? what is the average?

i got bored and tried out its free, just wondering what the average is?

ill reveal mine when people stat revealing theres

some of those questions were hard.

40 - 55 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 - 70 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 85 Below average
85 - 115 Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 130 Above average
130 - 145 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 160 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 - 175 Extraordinary genius

yeah they were pretty hard,

i guess i am above avereage since my score was a 118

im not as stupid as i thought i was lol

my score coulda been higher but i did take a long time on some questions

any links to the test?

took this a while ago when it was posted elsewhere, think I got a 146/8 or something right near that.

Its not that hard, I blew through some of the questions just making half guesses anyways.

Argh damn. I got a 102. see kids its true sniffing glue does make you stupid!

Thank you for your interest in the test at

Your general IQ score is: 126

damn almost made it to gifted, maybe i should have actually thought about a few more of them

awww… look at all these above average gifted geniuses!!
the iq tests online are total bullshit.
real iq tests cost a LOT to take but they’re actually accurate.

$$$$ :c (

Wait, do you have to pay for results??

I took one at Buff State and got a 129 and took and online one a couple years ago and got 126… so who knows

Most online test exagerate your actual IQ… that way they can ensure you’ll pay for their services. Plus… not being able to use a pencil and paper???

Plus, I got a 136 according to them. Which I know is a little higher than my actual IQ.

Hmm, sounds like someone didnt fair to well in this test. :mamoru:

It gave me a 127 also…seems like a bullshit test. Everyone has the same scores.

Haenszel is so hot right now!!!

“seems like bullshit test”? so that means i AM fuckin retarded, great.


But i do think it is inflated. Ive been testing myself once every eighteen months since probably 5th grade and been ranging 133-135, but thats on pencil and paper in a docters office.

SO I AM NOT A GENIUS but i am gifted.

to get a real test go to your doctor and they can hook you up with where to get it. its fun to see how much if at all you change throughout your life.

lol,I always seem to score in the 130’s.Im on like 8 diff forums and people always post IQ tests.Not too accurate because I end up getting bored half way through and just guessing.

didn’t even try to take it… why bother taking a test that’s inaccurate?

Your general IQ score is: 142