
:tup: i might have to copy that one for a while.

Thanks,now the song is stuck in my head.

Fbod with lambo doors.:eekdance:

your all sew sillie :wink:

You should not never use a double negative or end a sentence with with.

Also, keep in mind that parentheses are (usually) poor writing style.

I totally read that as

“All you silly jews”


Somehow I think I missed your point…

Also, I vote that NYSpeed has a manditory built in spell checker before posting.

i love how literate people suddenly try to be in this thread :lol:

actually… if howie is so inclined, he may want to checkout facepunchstudios forums. It has a built in “smart” system. when you spell shit wrong, it degrades your status (almost like the karma system) and can lead to a temporary ban from certin parts of the forums… if it bugs people that much

That would be fucking fantastic! This site would prune down a third of it’s members… :lol:

nitroinsane would be straight fucked.



Jeg would last about 2 posts.

I got $0.05 he can’t even post one.

JEG has been posting with MS Word, yo! Grammar check, spell check, cut and paste for life, son!!

Definitions of irregardless on the Web:

an erroneous redundancy for regardless.

regardless; a combination of irrespective and regardless sometimes used humorously

But my grandmother used to correct my shitty english, and guess what, most of those words have made it into the dictionary, because it comes down to common usage, and if used enough, then its a word.


and yeah, if I ever have a forum, it will have that spelling karma system… I will also not allow any douchebags to join. it would be the most boring place ever because there wouldn’t be any arguing, idiocy or drama. threads would maybe get to be a page long each… shit.

Would I get my own subsection?

l- uck+


I try :P. Honestly, I have been trying to watch my spelling…I usualy type in a hurry and don’t bother to check my spelling, though as of late I’ve been trying to check more often.