

no douchebags? then you would kick yourself out? I’m sorry, but the name Janny is synonymous with arguing, drama, and idiocy.


ur username can be MOMMIE

just like howie is the DADDIE

i made myself lol

:stuck_out_tongue: you silly goose!

What I find hilarious, is that every time you reply to janny, you try your hardest to spell everything correctly. You are even punctuating decently. You may think she is a bitch, but you sound less and less like a dumbass every time she points out your spelling errors :lol:

So really, you should start thanking her for her free grammar lessons.

Oh I dont think she is a bitch. She is wayyy past being a bitch, I’d say more of a collosel cunt. I can’t find the words to express my level of loathing for her, and it is not due to a lack of vocabulary.

I have not been trying to spell things correctly because of her, I could care less what the NYspeed megalomanic she-male thinks. I am trying to improve my grammar period. I am sick of people picking appart my spelling and not the message I am trying to get across. I swear to God I could post up the cure for cancer and if I spell something wrong all I would hear is how I am retarded.

Main Entry: co·los·sal
Pronunciation: k&-'lä-s&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or resembling a colossus
2 : of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible <colossal rock formations>
3 : of an exceptional or astonishing degree <a colossal failure>
synonym see ENORMOUS

  • co·los·sal·ly /-s&-lE/ adverb

OMFG I spelled something wrong!?!!??! NOOO its the end of the world, hell just froze over and the seas are parting.

Get a fucking life man, I used the word in the right way. So stop being a front wiper.

oh geez, i didn’t bother clicking on this thread at all during the past week for fear that

it’d look like this