SINCE, SENSE, SENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

SINCE: between a particular past time and the present; subsequently

I haven’t attended school SINCE the ninth grade.

SENSE: the meaning or gist of something

When i say “i haven’t made an intelligent comment sense i was was born”, it does not make any SENSE!


i have 44 cents!

haha. but seriously, these 3 words are rampantly misused here.

yea its annoying to see, the worst is when my outsourced counterparts here at work say “micah this customer needs this and that , can u please ADVICE me?”

thank you

someone PM this to Layzie




Sense you bring it up, anyone got 35 since I can borrow? No cents in breaking a $10 bill for it.

my girlfriend has the worst enlish and sentence structure ever and it pisses me off to no end.


fuck you

this thread makes no sence, i only have 55 sense, and i hope someone centses the sarcasm from this


why in the hell does she use periods instead of apostrophes?

:word: its elementary grammer here folks

grammer indeed :lolsign:



See people, this is what happens when you start sticking up for Jan in broken window threads. You go from web bad boy to grammar cop overnight. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let this be a warning.

there is also the Than and Then debate and your and you’re

the proper use of commas, periods, exclamation points, semi colons, colons, apostrophes, tildes (I personally can’t remember when I used a tilde), properly formed sentences, incorrect spelling, not capitalized proper nouns, blah blah blah…

its an endless battle everyone types hastily there is no point in policing or bitching about it