You're saying it wrong....

In recent years, I learned that I have been saying “for all intensive purposes”, which is meaningless when I should have been saying “for all intents and purposes”. I have since adopted the correct phrase. You should, also.


“I could care less”. No. You “couldn’t care less”. Otherwise you are saying that you care a little.

Add yours.

Read them.

Quit saying dumb stuff.


*stole this from jeepforums, figured everyone could have a field day.

“I ain’t know nothing” -> “I do not know anything”

cue and queue proper usage

this is improper but it makes more sense.
How come they say Hanged herself, wouldnt it be Hung herself?
Everytime I read a news report it says hanged and It makes me want to punch kittens.


“mine as well”

I see people type this out all the time and I’m still trying to figure out in what part of the world people pronounce ‘might’ as ‘mine’

I might as well go to the store…


When hang means, as it generally does, “to suspend,” then hung is the correct past-tense and past participial form of the verb: “Yesterday, I hung a picture on the wall”; “I have hung many pictures on many walls.” When hang means “to put to death by hanging,” however, hanged is the correct past-tense and past participial form: “We hanged the horse-thieving varmint yesterday”; “We’ve hanged nigh unto forty horse thieves this year.” Given that hanging has become a fairly infrequent means to a fairly infrequent end, you might think that this is an unimportant distinction. But, because of a colloquial use of hung that we blush bright yellowish green to mention here, you can end up embarrassing yourself if you use hung as an adjective to describe a male historical figure executed by hanging. History records that John Billington was hanged at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1630; whether Mr. Billington was hung, history does not record.

Hanged herself still sounds retarded


“same difference” fucking white devils saying stupid shit



Here’s one:

It’s not tiggle bitties, it’s ‘Tig Ole’ Bitties’, which is nothing more than Big Ole’ Titties with two letters swapped.

Oh yeah, and people who type lawl instead of lol. lol is an acronym not a word people. When you actually Laugh Out Loud you don’t say ‘LAWL!’


ps. ban button is broke


I think this was a bad thread to make. I could have a field day with this and I know you guys don’t want that.

I seen = I saw

Pacifically = Specifically

Masonary = Masonry

Youse = you guys/you people/you folks

Dumb fuck = anyone who says one or more of the above items

I have plenty more and will post them as they come to me.

hahah yea

Bring and take. It’s simple, but so often fucked up in Upstate NY.

I instantly judge anyone who utters that phrase.