Do some of you realize...

…that you are actually typing YOUR instead of YOU’RE?

I mean seriously, come on.


I’m so with you dude. Everytime. :frowning:

Eh, i isnt a high skool graduit so i’s not undrstndin ya.

yuck yuck.


Gautam your fcuked… :wink:

I sometimes do it on msn, but I don’t think I do it on the board. I also do my best to avoid the it’s - its mistake that most seem to make. It might slip by me sometimes, it’s inevitable. (but it didn’t this time! :D)

The ones who will actually make a mockery of my post in this thread, are
actually some of the biggest culprits.

What, YOUR not suggesting me are you?

YOUR not serious are you?

YOUR sure about this right?

I mean this comment YOUR making,

I have no idea what YOUR talking about!


Im sorry man, just playing around. When people nit pick on things, valid or not, I just can’t help myself.

I never claimed to be a good speller nor always use the proper grammer. As long as people know and understand me, that’s good enough for me.

I do know why you posted this though.

Take care man.

Easy 8)


I wasn’t singling you out. There are clearly others.

And differentiating between YOUR and YOU’RE doesn’t require you
to be a grammar or spelling wiz.

It’s just being too lazy to reach over and hit the apostrophe key.

…hmm funny how you lock and rant on “newbies” for posting misinformed questions, that you claim are not good enough. Personally, I think this should be locked. Im not trying to piss you off, but its the truth, :smiley:

…hmm funny how you lock and rant on “newbies” for posting misinformed questions, that you claim are not good enough. Personally, I think this should be locked. Im not trying to piss you off, but its the truth, :D[/quote]

It has nothing to do with ‘newbies’. I just got annoyed after reading
threads with YOUR/YOU’RE.

Don’t bother me if this thread gets locked. :dunno:

guilty :oops:

yeah i dun really car
as lon as yoa can understand me.

because i never make any post that makes people think about what im sayin
ye herd.

G, are you sure you don’t want to join the Grammar Police? I’m sure you’d make Lieutenant in no time.

i understand the desire to have everyone spell properly, but i dont think that you would be able to correct people’s grammar in conversation.

you know, because it would be extremely rude.

how is it different on line?

Before I put Google Specialist in my sig, I was going to put Grammar
Specialist but you ended up taking on a Grammar role before me.

Ah well, it’s going to be a neverending battle.

In the meantime…

Your foolish if you think you can improve they’re grammar skills. Their isn’t enough bandwidth on the entire 'net to get people to spell there words properly.


I don’t understand what the problem is. They teach you this kind of stuff

in ELEMENTARY school. I am pretty sure everyone here went to

elementary school. So why is it so hard to distinguish between the

various forms of their, there, they’re, you, you’re, it, it’s, etc?

It really isn’t that hard. Sometimes we all make a typo now and then

and spell a word wrong… but when it comes to forms of words, how can

you get it wrong?

And whats with people using instead of ' ? WTF is???


i am well aware of all of those grammatical errors, and when i write essays i make sure to check them. on here i am a bit more liberal

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

In conclusion, who give a fcuk. As long as you can understand it, stop complaining. I realize everyone rants now and again but you really need something to occupy your time if peoples spelling on the internet bothers you that much.