Is that thing your wife?!?


john, you’re just mad you never went balls deep in brooke.

muh bad… thought i was quoting hooked on homos

im good im glad my dick is still there ,that chick would of taken the curl out ma nut hair:ohnoes

she sure as fuck tried to…

wasnt talkin in a good way

Going to get some icecream and Ice tea. I expect Grade A material when i get back.

oh, i know. trust me i know… i was there too… i think she woulda sucked the blood clots outta jess’s vag

She does what with a volley ball threw a garden hose?

yep… she was a ho. no onther term for it… a flat out HO.


It’s honestly like watching a train wreck in 10000fps, every post Travis makes is more and more sad/awkward.

go eat another twinkie.

It’s almost a compliment that that’s the best you can come up with :rofl

:rofl I’d love another twinkie.

i can do better… just not LEGALLY according to the forums code of conduct.

ya got twinkies fizzle ???if so im comin over but i must warn ya i havent smoked weed in a while so ill get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up

when has that stopped us tough guy,besides code blue aint here:ahh

You’re really that dumb? The only thing you have is threats and twinkie jokes?


You guys are a bunch of idiots!

That thing is gorgeous!
