is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Go ahead and tell me you have never posted on shift while being on the clock and getting paid for it. Go ahead and I will call your bullshit.

Go ahead and tell me how much you pay and how long you been paying it. I will call bullshit as well regardless because you would have said that a long time ago if that was even remotely true.

I’m doing this because you love riding on your moral high horse and I’m here to knock you back down so you stop thinking that you’re a god given gift to this country of abusers.


Read the title of this thread. This thread is WEEKS old and it hasn’t been solved.

Solve the dudes problem, let him live his life…if he can sleep at night knowing alllll the stupid little facts you pointed out, it’s good enough for me and it should be good enough for you.

When you can figure out how to keep this website from dropping off the planet once a month…you will have room to “knock him off his high horse” COWBOY.



Who the fuck died and made you king?

I get breaks and down time at work. Unbelievable I know. Im the only person on here who posts at work, right? Ive got a service job and sometimes have to wait between tasks due to things out of my control. Not everything falls into place like a 9-5 desk job.

How much I pay for rent, clothes, food, insurance, truck payment, how much I make an hour, etc is absolutely none of your motherfucking business. Im not obligated to tell anybody any of that information.

I think your real issue is that you have family members on welfare and feel the need to defend them all the time.

I owe you a + rep when I spread enough to give you another one.

as promised:

Woooo I love the tutu in the first one!

I’d say 90% of my posts come while at work.

Most of mine are at home before or after work but today I managed to go on here for a few minutes on my phone on my lunch break.

I’m at a desk taking phone calls, I’ve got a decent amount of down time when I’m waitin on hold or having them try something.

Sometimes I get stuck waiting for a person or process and have access to my phone.

Other times like the place Ive been working at all week Im not allowed to carry my phone around so I can only check it on a break. I get alot of work related emails so I need to check it every now and then.

Im already on overtime this week and have all day tomorrow to go but apparently Im lazy and dont work so that doesnt count for anything.

You’re also not obligated to keep coming back to my site and I’m not obligated to have you as a member or have you enjoy products of my hard work.

I don’t like closet freeloaders here…

Matrix man, matrix is broken.

Took Neo forever to solve his problems.

Thanks Obama!

dude really stop being such a douche.

I dont get your issue at all. I dont freeload off anybody. I have a job, make my own money and pay my own bills. I pay taxes and get robbed by the government on each paycheck, usually $700+ on each check and more than half of that is going to shitbag welfare collectors.

Just because your mother didnt hug you enough when you were little doesnt mean you have to take it out on me.

You don’t understand and you won’t understand.

Why you ask questions if you don’t care for an answer?

I could literally tell you any justification right now and you won’t be happy.



The only answer I want is what the fuck is your fucking issue?


Where do you think Shift comes from?


God, you’re so far up your rabbit hole you can’t even fathom how the world works.

And yes you do get help from the government, we all do in one way or another.

Ponder on that.

Edit: I forgot that you’re the gift to this country, we should all be happy to have you :rofl


Edit X2: Pink is a cute touch, REALLY gets the point across.

I pay for the internet so whats your point there?

How is the government helping me when Im paying them? I pay taxes and dont get a welfare check.

And you noticed the pink so therefore it worked. It got noticed.