is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Unban 2

for mah boi PJB


It’s fun to fuck with people sometimes, in this case PJB. But I think a line was crossed here.

I don’t like this.

Don’t like it then leave Jim.

You contribute nothing anyways. How dare you not appreciate having this place.

bring back PJB


someone make the graphic, i’ll add it to my sig.

Paul had an Iron Curtain come down on him… Im going to get my plasma cutter

Guys, come on now, PJB deserved this, I mean come on, he wanted access to his own user cp on a site he doesn’t own…really?

I know personally I would stop posting here if my User CP didn’t work seeing as how that and New post are the only two things I ever click on to check on my subscribed threads and anything new.

Can’t get to subscribed posts. no point on posting anymore

so Like PJB I’d be fucking pissed

All hail King Geoffrey

It seems like only yesterday that it was PJB’s birthday… Poor guy.

I just try to think about the good times while holding back my tears…RIP Paul J. B.


There was nothing wrong with his user cp, he was being fucked with.

Fucking absurd, as a joke yeah, but way too far. I ran my own site/forums for years a long time ago. Never held it over people’s heads that I paid for it out of my own pocket, never used admin tools to personally attack members who’s opinions differed from mine, no matter how petty.

Not my site, not my decision, and I’m not going to harass Vlad about it. But it surely shows a persons character.

I hope I can run forum and fuck with ppl when I grow up. My dad says he thinks that i can do anything if I put my mind to it.

Anybody else got their own forums or businesses here?

I can’t wait to go in there, not buy anything, approach the owner and call him a communist faggot and that his business is a piece of shit.

And when you kick me out, ill even call you childish for fun!

Better yet, ill keep coming back and instead of changing, just keep calling you a communist faggot and scream to other customers that the business is a piece of shit.

Brilliant! Who wants to be the first business?

Anybody? Volunteers?

And when you keep kicking me out, it will clearly speak to the kind of person you really are!

I’d like to see a “communist piece of shit” quote.