is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

happy birthday Paul!

That’s why you drink liquor

^^ you gonna let Paul take some birthday belly shots

Naw :slight_smile:

Beer is cheaper than liquor. I usually do a few shots when I’m out though. Lately its been Jameson shots. Occasionally ill have a gin and cranberry juice but usually beer.

That’s fucked up Jen. Almost as fucked up as Paul not getting into his user cp

Also Paul just noticed your location and (freeloader) under your name… What’s the deal wit dat shitz

cuz he lives at home with his parents and complains about people living of the goverment! bahahahhahahahahaha… and he calls other people freeloaders…

paul check your test levels

Vlad thinks he’s so fucking funny.

And what the fuck am I being tested on?

Better than being Vlads boy toy

Pry talking about your testosterone levels. Jen isn’t gonna dig that shit it you go limp mid thrust and also looking monster in the gym

I don’t get anything tested. Levels, blood pressure, etc.

I don’t go to doctors at all except for last year when I needed a physical for my job.

Just go to the doctor and get some androgel. Then sell it to me… win win

I legit don’t even have a doctor. I went to newton medical for a physical.

You sir are the funniest guy I’ve never met or know anything about!! What’s your address so I can send you a present!


happy birthday you drunk bastard

It’s his party and he’ll cry if he wants to.

24 Buckle St
Nova Scotia B3Z1A8
